Feels like there is a safer way to do this
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
Is it even lava after it cools in the bucket of water? Chemically, yes (or maybe? Wouldn't the water change it just a bit?), but definition wise does lava not imply that it is still molten?
.. and today on food street eat channel, we will get some spicy hot custard, fresh!
Reminds me the Max Fosh video of him cooking a meal in an active vulcano
That was a funny watch thanks
Extra spicy marinara.
(That was so nerve-wrecking to watch. Somebody better built a robot to automate that, that shit is terrifying. I hope the person gets paid well.)
It doesn't look that well covered, no? I think I already saw geologists with some sort of reflecting gear to shield themselves from radiation. This must make things even more unbearable.
The lining of their pocket threw me off for a moment...
Like Link when he casually shoves the thing THAT IS ON FIRE they are holding into their pants.
Pahoehoe > AA