Scientists Use AI to Prove People Can Be Talked Out of Conspiracy Theories
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"Great! Billy doesn't believe 9/11 was an inside job, but now the AI made him believe Bush was actually president in 1942 and that Obama was never president."
In all seriousness I think an "unbiased" AI might be one of the few ways to reach people about this stuff because any Joe schmoe is just viewed as "believing what they want you to believe!" when they try to confront any conspiracy.
With the inherent biases present in any LLM training model, the issue of hallucinations that you've brought up, alongside the cost of running an LLM at scale being prohibitive to anyone besides private-state partnerships, do you think that will allay conspiracists' valid concerns about the centralization of information access, a la the reduction in quality google search results over the past decade and a half?
I think those people might not, but I was once a "conspiracy nut," had a circle of friends who were as well, and know that for a lot of those kinds of people YouTube is the majority of the "research" they do. For those people I think this could work as long as it's not hallucinating and can point to proper sources.