
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Global achievement recorded in Israel - melanoma incidence rates have declined by 30% among Jewish women and stability has been observed among Jewish men

After a government education program to promote sunscreen use lmao.

Among the Arab population in Israel, melanoma is a rare disease and the morbidity rates amount to no more than a handful of cases.

How do you get the 30% reduction if you're not as "white skinned" as we've been led to believe? Sounds like you're just thin skinned because you know you're repeating history.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

With the inherent biases present in any LLM training model, the issue of hallucinations that you've brought up, alongside the cost of running an LLM at scale being prohibitive to anyone besides private-state partnerships, do you think that will allay conspiracists' valid concerns about the centralization of information access, a la the reduction in quality google search results over the past decade and a half?

Yup, I got dogpiled with smarmy comments downplaying my pointing out that the Open Technology Fund (that's affiliated with Radio Free Asia) audited the Signal Protocol. I still try to get people to switch to it from SMS or Whatsapp (with limited success, an ex was one of the few who already had it installed prior... cuz of their dealer), but it's not like I have any illusions of organizing the revolution on the app

[–] -2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

People are free to draw their own conclusions from it. Do you have anything material to contribute, or will you just be putting more smarmy words in my mouth from here on out?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Back when the Signal org used to be called Open Whisper Systems it received grants and auditing from the Open Technology Fund which, at the time, was still a part of Radio Free Asia.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

The one thing I've had issues with has been sending files to other devices over Bluetooth, but receiving hasn't been a problem. Has anyone else had this issue & been able to fix it?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm still in a pretty dark place 10 months after getting dumped by someone I was really fond of, who was tweeting stuff about me like "equinox [an expensive gym] is a hella good deal, maybe there I'll find a man who actually has an income" & "my therapist called the guy I'm seeing a beta male" for the entire time we were together. A few days after the breakup she tweeted "these dudes never buy me flowers and act sooo surprised when I break up with them".

She's big into astrology & the type who posted ass on instagram and studied in LA, identifies as a feminist and a socialist; I recognize this is an individual behaving in a stereotypical way instead of it being a hard rule for all women. I do also feel sympathetic for her dissociative identity disorder (think I saw a different ego state when she told me she liked me after crying during sex—apparently b/c she "didn't deserve such a nice guy" but tweeted I was a beta 6 hours earlier) and that doesn't excuse these actions/sense of entitlement.

Naturally, how I was informed that we were no longer together was that "you're wonderful it's not you, I'm not feeling the way I want to feel, we're just too similar" and that I'd "be remembered fondly"... I make almost twice her psychology PhD tuition & gifted my dead cat's toys for her adopted kitten. So yeah, an individual occurrence but it really reinforced some stereotypes I'm trying to dispel. Of course I recognize if I was more financially ostentatious & she stuck around longer, issues would have manifested somehow else.

Anyways sorry for whingeing, I'm still self-flagellating over consciously overlooking red flags like being told "lying comes naturally to us pisces" twice, "I'm getting my PhD to charge my clients more", and "I just want to be rich to feed my family the healthiest foods".

Building on this, does anyone use tablets to keep a digital laboratory notebook? I'm picturing keeping one in a capacitive, clear envelope that you could sterilize by spraying with 70% ethanol if necessary, yet still permit you to write with a stylus while wearing dirty gloves

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Does an instance block apply to your account or just when using Connect? Could I switch to Jerboa after & still have that instance blocked?

[–] -5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm more than set on that front: your dad took me on a romantic picnic this evening but forgot a blanket and now my whole back has a rash ;)

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