this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2022
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Democracy: A democratically run community.

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A community dedicated to democracy!

Where mods will be elected on a regular basis, and can be repealed, and decisions are made as a community.

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founded 4 years ago

The electorate would have the opportunity to vote on the military action, and refuse it. Or worse, if the democratic process takes several days, the government would have to turn the tanks around halfway through the invasion.

You would need to be fairly sure your invasion is justifiable (at least to your own subjects) before you start it.

It's just one of the more minor ways that democracy would improve the world.

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[–] 0 points 2 years ago

This is a complete misunderstanding!

I'm not talking about "western style" democracy AKA "representative" democracy. Those are not true democracies.

We can debate the definition of the word but in truth there are several meanings of "democracy", and we are using different ones.

I should have been clearer. I'm talking about real democracy, like in Switzerland or Berlin (but not Federal Germany) and like the many variants which exist only in textbooks.

As a "democracy" forum maybe we should first have a discussion just about that. What kind of "democracy" are we actually talking about?!