this post was submitted on 07 Sep 2023
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Honestly. If you're going to move your email then think about using an alias service first or as part of the move. That way it's so much easier to move your mailbox in the future. You also get better spam protection when you create an alias for each site. Luckily I had already invested in changing all my services to use their own email alias and pointed them to Gmail. When looking for a new mailbox provider I was receiving mail going to multiple mailboxes. Once I was happy I went down to one service and ditched the others.
Personally. I went with SimpleLogin and my own domain name. I ended up with 300 aliases. Yes that took a long time to go around updating websites! I also use Bitwarden which I used to generate the aliases using my API key from SimpleLogin.
Damn I never used aliases but that is the best way to deal with this stuff. I have to find a nice combo for this, but your recipe sounds really good. ๐