probably cause they didn't invest much in most companies..and they deserve it, for not hiring such essential engineers
tech could also have its limitations, i guess
fair enough. i am not totally complaining but i thought if i could improve the hardware side so i could hav enjoye a better experience. i tried to run the app on waydroid in linux (and apparently i had to install houdini so it could translate arm to x86 ? but didnt get to get it to fully launch) so i could trust ur opinion since u seem knowledgeable in this regard
shooting a tire is like close range, how a baby would be hurt (unless emotionally speaking) ? u would have to be blind to miss the shot. also black women always overreacting, they start ramming stuff whenever they panic (too retarded tbh), white ? maybe..thats a reason i could get behind..but she also fat so she doesn't necessarily hav a grasp over her cognitive abilities
i appreciate ur valuable input. i ll give it a try and see if it resolves things
can u please point out exactly whats wrong about Connect, code wise ofc, instead of throwing false accusations.
fuck_u_in_particular kinda vibe
They are flying much slower here to give a better show, which gives them a much tighter turn radius and more time to react. It's also a meticulously planned and practiced route.
sounds like it really
i thought chinooks were intended for that kind of usage, but i am no expert..u seem to be informed enough that i shouldn't argue with u much. so TIL
i am no pilot, but a typical one would be frightened if saw such plane would fly that low, especially between skyscrapers like that..anyway, thats also taxpayer freedom money not put in very good use