
joined 1 year ago
[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

So I guess it's only an arc and not a full circle, but I had no problem making this curved sanding block in FreeCAD.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

What are the magic search terms for these things? I went searching for such to adapt my porter cable batteries to craftsman (since they're all Stanley black and decker) but I didn't find anything. Looked on thingiverse too. I'm ready to print up the adapters! This lock in sucks!

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

And this is why we have a housing shortage. Because it's in the financial interests of owners to restrict the building of housing.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

This is me. I live in LA, near Hollywood. I pay 3k/month in rent for a 1200sq ft 2br apartment that's close to everything.

A condo similar to my apartment (it was a condo conversion of a building similar to mine) in my neighborhood sold for almost a million this past year. That's about 6k/month all in w/ taxes and whatnot, not including maintenance costs.

Why the fuck would I pay double to own the same thing, and lose all my flexibility, when I take that 3k difference every month and invest it. Which builds wealth too. Sure, my investments may not be as inflation protected as a home, but they're a lot more fucking liquid. And I can move in 30 days no unsold house hanging over my head.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago

I will admit that I am not totally aware of the value of the land of the West Bank vs Gaza. But from what I've been reading and watching these few months on the history of the conflict, it seems that at some point the PLO stopped being violent after the second Infatada and Hamas took over Gaza and pushed them out to the West Bank. And ever since then the West Bank has been slowly carved up more and more by Jewish settlements, effectively making the Palestinian land in the WB never able to be contiguous, and thus making it impossible for there to be a Palestinian state to be formed there.

So if the WB land is valuable to the Israelis, I cannot see how Gaza wouldn't be even more valuable. As Gaza has access to the sea, and there's all the recently found offshore gas fields that would fall into Gaza's EEZ if it ever were to be recognized as the Palestinian state.

So I don't get why they'd disengage and leave Gaza alone when it's valuable land, but they will also for obvious reasons never stop the blockade of Gaza. As an outsider that leans to the left, it seems like Gaza is purposefully put into the state that it's in, to keep a threat around, so the conservatives running Israel can stay in power.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

Is that because Gaza is proving harder to annex and pacify than the WB?

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

My buddy works there now, as the audiobook company he worked for got acquired by them.

You would be shocked how stupid and manual the content acquisition process is. Book publishers might as well still be operating back in the 90s, it's all phone calls and spreadsheets attached to the emails and manual FTP uploads.

If the music business is anything like the audiobook business they likely need so many non IT just to keep the machine fed with content.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

Looked into the deets on this since it affects me - https://housing2.lacity.org/highlights/renter-protections

It's a 4% max increase, with 1% addons for electricity and gas if they're included in the rent.

Which, after 3 years of everything being frozen, doesn't sound too terrible. We'll still be a good amount cheaper than market rate.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

I dunno why you say FreeCAD is bad. When I got my 3d printer I picked it because I knew fusion would rug pull eventually, and fusion doesn't run on Linux without jumping through a bunch of hoops.

It takes a bit to learn, just like any app. But it's just as powerful. I really like the spreadsheet usage in FreeCAD to keep all my dimensions in one place.

[–] yaaaaayPancakes@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

I think it's very much a "you get what you pay for" thing. Cheap Dells are cheap. The XPS line is not cheap. I've had two XPS 13s now, and the build quality is top notch. And easy to open up and work on.


I've been looking at the rest client built into Jerboa, to see if I could maybe contribute to making error handling a bit better.

The Lemmy API docs don't seem to list the error codes/error bodies that can be returned by the API. Are these documented somewhere else? Or do I need to start reading the Rust code of the server itself?

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