
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Isn't it a little weird that people think it's ironic? Jesus hung out with prostitutes.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago

Francis better get them cheeks out

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 125 points 1 day ago (8 children)

For me it's Metal music. It's just absolutely not my genre but an overwhelming amount of metalheads I met were just the nicest, most wholesome and fun people all around.


Someone just asked the opposite of this question here and I was wondering if there are cases were you're just not interested in something but you know the community is great nonetheless.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago

I never understood not watching a show because of the fanbase. I watch plenty of shows without ever interacting with the fandom at all.

What's stopping you from watching the show without visiting discussion forums or reading youtube comments about it?

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 4 points 1 day ago

They did a really good job. I was catching up on the show the other day and I knew Roiland got replaced at some point but I didn't know when. So I waited for the voices to noticeably change and after I finished season 7 I realized I already watched an entire season with the new voice actors without realizing.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 14 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I don't get it either. Is OP saying that christians can't show their bare ass online? Because I don't support that.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 1 points 3 days ago

That is actually hilarious and a spin of the theme I hadn't thought of before haha


Hey everyone! I just got into using plugins on my Server and having a blast creating new content with ItemsAdder.

So I had the idea to host a little easter event for my players. I'm gonna hide a bunch of eggs all around our world and the players can then trade the eggs for fun items at a trading point. At the moment I have three ideas for items:

  • A chocolate bunny that gives you the jump boost potion effect
  • A placeable bunny plush
  • Wearable bunny ears

Do you have any cool ideas for some similar easter loot? Could be anything from food, to wearables or custom furniture.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 28 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Been saying this for years. Todays rich people are fucking bad at being rich. It's truly a skill issue.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I've been playing minecraft on and off for over a decade but recently started again and rented a server, which some of my friends and family joined. It's honestly the most fun I have had playing a video game in years. It's such a cool feeling coming online and seeing that someone built something new and we basically have our own little town already. Sometimes we also meet up to explore some caves and look for diamonds or mines with loots.

We also built a community center with a shared chest, post boxes for everyone on the server to give them stuff when they are offline and an enchantment table for everyone to use.

And now I started playing around with plugins like ItemsAdder to add my own made stuff to the game, which gives it a whole new dimension of possibilties.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 27 points 1 week ago

The orange trashbag who ran every bussiness he owned into the ground didn't get the egg prices down? Well, color me suprised.

[–] wuzzlewoggle@feddit.org 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is still one of the absolute best games ever made. No other game feels so alive. It's almost scary how easily you can get lost in it.

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