I sure hope the U.S. has all the raw iron, coal, uranium, potash and lumber they need to become an island onto themselves. What They don't? Weird.
I mean, if Putin just wants to stop fighting, he could completely just you know: stop fucking fighting.
He’s the invader. He’s the fucking aggressor. Ukraine would happily stop fighting as they don’t want to fight.
Donald Trump is top tier fucking stupid and top tier Russian asset.
Reddit is a group of internet users with the vision of free speech, but directed by shareholder and policy makers.
So glad I ditched Reddit.
What the fuck is he going to put tariffs on? The imported oligarchs?
A gun. A gun can stop him. They work well. American has more guns than people, and a second amendment designed to stop this nonsense when needed.
It’s needed.
Fingers crossed that musk was on that rocket!!
Diaper. He shat in his diaper.
With electrolytes.. it’s got what plants crave.
GOP lawmakers should be aborted.
Canada needs to take a break from America and see other nations. Let’s open the relationship, see where it goes.
America, it’s not you, it’s….no fuck it. It’s absolutely you.
Elbows up mothefuckers. Good on Canada!!
Well this should bode well for the future of Americans. Its a bold move cotton.