I am :( but they keep telling me we need fascism to get rid of fascism.
Correct. I mean anyone laughing at another country because it’s going to shit is a bad person. I don’t laugh at the Russian people. I laugh at the government. The average person is kept powerless for a reason.
Unless it’s worse, it must be better, right?
Wow, fond memories of that thing.
I’d also argue there are other words for the same thing, or the same desire for destruction, than just Nazi. Any kind of authoritarian rule inches towards this line, regardless of their “intentions.”
Well, they’re both half right.
The other half is tariffs! 🤪
Post a bad Yelp review, believe it or not, jail.
0 steps forward, two steps back.
Don’t forget all the people of the world who sit back and laugh at the suffering of millions of people just because the leaders they can’t control do bad shit. Getting pleasure out of watching people suffer is wrong.
Yeah no kidding. That couldn’t possibly spread… You know, like Christianity
It also might not be taken to a police station. Who knows where the actual forensics labs are. No real need for them to be on-site or even labeled.