
joined 1 year ago
[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I've been using Deezer for the last few years, and its (mostly) great

Have used Spotify in the past, then went to google Play Music, then tried YouTube Music for three frustrating months before coming to Deezer.

Deezer pluses;

Absolutely awesome range, more music from more artists than any other service I've tried, and very little missing. They have every Johnny Cash album bar one, pretty impressive. Their Country and Western catalogue is unparalleled

Although you can only download onto three devices, you have unlimited downloads on each one, as opposed to Spotify which limits you to just 50,000 tracks. I blew past that on my phone in three weeks. I cant see myself needing to download into more than three devices

Good stable Android app, better even than Spotify, as good as GPM, and far far better than YTM. It isnt perfect, can be a little slow to load playlists sometimes, but I have only had to shut it down and restart it 2-3 times in almost a year of use. YTM had to be restarted 2-3 times a day, the Android app fell over more often than a drunk after happy hour.

Great sound quality on mobile and web, I really cant fault it

Good simple web interface too, and I can edit playlists and tracks fairly easily

Good value for money - cheaper and better than the rest

Apparently pays artists better

Deezer minuses;

Android app playlists only have a shuffle play button, and there is no way to change this to regular linear play in settings, even for Premium users, or disable shuffle across the app. This is the biggest flaw by far, and it is shared with Spotify. It is the only aspect of YTM that is superior

The MP3 upload feature is a bit clunky and not terribly intuitive, and limited to only 2000 tracks. However this really doesnt matter as I havent needed to upload much music at all as practically everything I want is available on Deezer anyway

Editing big playlists on the web interface can be a sluggish and buggy, especially moving around large blocks of tracks. Was a bit frustrating when I needed to edit playlists I'd moved across from YTM, I found that often it was easier to just delete almost all the tracks and rebuild from scratch. Now all my playlists are cleaned up it isnt a major - building new playlists works fine

You need to favourite a lot of artists and/or tracks to get the automated recommendations after a playlist finishes to work properly (as opposed to Flow which just works off one artist). Artist exclusions dont seem to work, but now I have favourited 190 artists that doesnt seem to be an issue now. Minor glitch though

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I used reddit on desktop, didnt have an ad blocker, ocassionally clicked on ads (usually by mistake), and bought a shitload of coins. I also contributed a lot of content that people found helpful. Didnt stop me getting perma banned for reasons that I still dont understand.

I really dont think there is any algorithm or any logic or rationale behind the ban process at all, its almost completely aritrary

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

NO. Not a fan of the current or former CCP or the former Soviet Union

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

I will still look for a jack on my next phone, current Samsung has one, will likely buy another so I will probably buy top of their entry range

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

An AI that can turn YouTube videos into written articles? Take My Money! I have been wanting this for a long time, I far far prefer stuff in writing to videos, I dont take information from audio/video anything like as well

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago

Same here. Whatever I have now is more than good enough. What I had before was good enough too

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago

My last phone upgrade was about four years ago (Nokia 6 to Samsung A31) and that was only to try and get YouTube Music's shitty app to work properly (spoiler : it didnt). Broke the screen on it dropping it while trying to put a mask on, got that fixed (that was over two years ago). Its still going, and will keep it until it dies

I dont upgrade my phone because I'm interested in upgrading, I upgrade when I have to

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Not in my experience there. It the only place I have ever been where you can be in a gas station/ convenience store late on a Saturday night in a less than flash area, and see a guy rock up dressed like Liberace and do his shopping and flounce off without anyone even batting an eyelid let alone commenting. You wouldnt try that here. Yes, there is a degree of conformity enforced there around behaviour by social pressure, but in other places it is by violence

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

I'm from New Zealand, and although it does have much to recommend it, it does have some issues with crime, gangs, meth etc. similar to other Western countries. Nowhere near as bad as South Africa or a number of US cities, but not great either. There are more peaceful places believe it or not

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago

I treat all the tech I own as tools or appliances, their aesthetics are of little interest to me, they are not status symbols, just a means to an end. So I look for the thing that will do the best job reliably at a reasonable cost, and keep doing so for years. I have a laptop that must be getting on for 8 years old, a phone in its fourth year. I use them until they wear out or become too difficult to use - my phone has several cracks on the screen, a few trim bits have fallen off my laptop, making it even lighter, and one of the USB ports has died. The TV in the lounge os over ten years old, the stereo dates from the late 90's.

I dont change anything until I have to - once I have something that just works I work it to death. I dont care about the whole Linux vs Windows thing, nor the IoS vs Android thing, its all about function and value for money. When it comes time to replace something I never buy the best, or the cheapest either, but something somewhere in the middle, good enough to do work fast but not the flagship product either.

TLDR Its just a tool, treat it as one

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Japan has to be a strong contender, if you are looking for peacefulness in your day to day life

[–] waterbogan@lemmy.world 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Was my reddit username for ten years. When I joined reddit it was through the swimming sub, looking for info on waterproof MP3 players so I could swim laps while listening to AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Slayer, etc etc. I'm a bogan that swim laps pretty much every day.... therefore waterbogan


If you or one of your loved ones is struggling with this its worth knowing and worth asking your doctor about. Article mainly discusses generic anticonvulsants that have proven beneficial, but there are others such as Naltrexone that can also be helpful.


As the largest organ in the body, the skin can have a profound impact. The chemicals released by diseased and dysfunctional skin soon enter the bloodstream, where they wash around, damaging other tissues. Amid the ensuing systemic inflammation, chemicals from the skin can reach and harm organs that seem entirely unrelated, including your heart and brain.

Well thats it, I’m definitely staying out of the sun now!


As the largest organ in the body, the skin can have a profound impact. The chemicals released by diseased and dysfunctional skin soon enter the bloodstream, where they wash around, damaging other tissues. Amid the ensuing systemic inflammation, chemicals from the skin can reach and harm organs that seem entirely unrelated, including your heart and brain.

Well thats it, I'm definitely staying out of the sun now!


Or hold it open while Bluetooth active and in use?

Would be extremely useful to have my screen stay open while phone is playing music in the car. Phone is a Samsung A31 running Android 12, although I have had the same issue on other devices running different versions of Android so not sure its relevant.


Saw this proposal originally posted on Github and thought it was worth posting here and expanding on

This is an excellent idea, I liked awarding posts on reddit on my old username, probably spent quite a bit with reddit until they permabanned me for god alone knows what reason.

This plus Premium memberships would give the admins of the bigger servers such as lemmy.world a reliable income stream that would enable them to maintain and improve infrastructure. The money would go to whichever server a user that buys the awards or Premium membership happens to reside on (for me it'd be lemmy.world)

Its a simple reality that running a server with thousands of users on it costs money and time, and it has to come from somewhere more reliable and lucrative than donations

It does raise an issue in that a payment processor would be required, and a business would have to be created for that as well. Perhaps several instances could co-operate and share the payment processor and create between them an organisation or business for that purpose, there would need be some means of tagging each payment so that it can be directed to the correct instance

I want the fediverse to survive and thrive, and for that it needs some income beyond donations to support instance server costs, bandwidth and the time and effort and resources expended on battling DDOS attacks, bots etc etc


I have done this exactly once in my lifetime, two years ago. Maybe in another few decades, I'll do it again, if I live long enough.

And yes, even if your name is Karen but you had a good reason to ask to speak to the manager, you can also reply


Hardly ever used it, but got a notification from it on my phone the other day which reminded me I still had it on my phone. It was still linked to my old reddit username which got suspended permanently a month or two back, so I finally got around to taking it off.

Just a reminder for those of us who mostly used reddit via laptop etc - you may still have it on your phone but forgotten about it - if a bunch of people uninstall it that will not look good for them


This was built as a test/ prototype, and was an ancestor of the FWD 1966 Oldsmobile Toronado and 1967 Cadillac Eldorado. The engine was a prototype of a modular engine family that was intended to range from 2 to 12 cylinders, based on the Corvair flat 6. Only 2, 4, 6 and 10 cylinder engines were built before the project was abandoned

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