That's about to change sooner or later with the circus we have in now.
I wish I had a good answer for this as to why there has been a history of questionable names to most of the things we've familiarized ourselves with.
Because sometimes I do question the names of services, apps, tools and other things about who the sorry sap had the audacity to name something as it is. Google, Amazon, Uber and it just goes on and even extends to other industries.
I think some of the ones that always make me stop the most are all of the animal-related names to Linux distros.
What is there for you to fix? The US is once again being held hostage by a completely destructive tornado in the form of incompetence, corruption and deceit. Ukraine owes nothing to the US, it's the other way around. Don't take it too hard on yourself. The current administration believes Ukraine started it, there is no hope in trying to fix anything.
We are watching them just swing at air at this point.
We figured out all along that Firefox just wants to be like Chrome and Edge in it's own way.
But as for marketshare, Firefox barely even got a sniff, if we're all honest.
Yeah that's really no contest anymore.
You pricks wanted him too, because you donated to his campaigns. What's wrong? Is he TOO GOOD for you?
between the two leaders.
I'm sorry, I only counted one.
We're going to be in for quite a generational gap and it'll be noticeable.
Generation Graduates and Generation "Uhhhhhhhhhh...."
Man I can only hope that if we even survive just one year of this lunacy, that we've smartened up by 2026 to get a majority of these clowns out. That's our honest and best chance right now.
I don't think so. Mods have a sensitivity crisis, they don't like it when people praise Luigi and feel CEOs should get theirs. Or that is considered "ADVOCATING VIOLENCE!!111" because I guess it's okay for CEOs to play god and fuck with everyone's lives on a regular basis but we can't cheer for them to get shot.
Anytime I see "millions" or "billions" claimed in losses, I assume it's less than that and consider it whining.