
joined 1 year ago
[–] 25 points 1 day ago (3 children)

If you have a CDL there is a federal database that tracks drug and alcohol offenses that had become mandatory to enroll in for most jobs in the industry.

Why don't we have something like that for cops?

Maybe it tracks reports of discipline and can be used by the public to file complaints with police departments.

I know something like this is talked about a lot but we already built something similar for truckers. There are 1.36 million CDL holders and 708,000 cops. Seems like it'd be pretty easy to copy their homework.

[–] 11 points 4 days ago

Having one woman as a friend is still more than none.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You are completely wrong about it being a 3 trick pony. There is tons of variety in wine beyond the color. But I'm not actually here to argue that because I completely agree with your last point. The thing that most often keeps me from drinking is the need to drive home at the end of the night. I don't want to kill someone and I didn't want to lose my job (I drive for work) because I went out to drink. So I drink at home which is not a healthy way to drink. So I don't drink regularly.

If I didn't have to drive to work I'd walk more which would put me on the ground, passing more bars and restaurants with the option to pop in for a pint and a bite to eat. Then hop on a tram or underground or light rail and head home full and happy. But we can't have nice things like that in the US because oil rules or politics.

[–] 28 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This is it right here. I am a trans person and I actually like both the enderverse and harry potter and I'm not a fan of either author. But I can say I like the enderverse without any shame or self loathing because Card doesn't appear to speak about his shitty views unless directly asked.

Now with Joanne on the other hand.... Well, fuck her and her IP and everything else she might ever do. She is a billionaire and like Musk just can't be happy with that and shut the fuck up. I get it you foul bitch, you hate me and that I exist, now go buy a fucking yacht and let me struggle to pay rent, buy food, and simply live in peace. All I have ever done to that self righteous cunt is buy her books and yet she feels the need to denigrate me and my existence and espouse hate directed toward me every chance she gets. Just stfu Joanne, you've won the game you never have to worry about having your basic needs met ever again. You've won. Now go the fuck away.

Basically I can put blinders on and still enjoy the enderverse and shadows, but I can't do that with Joanne. Harry Potter will never hold the same place in my heart as it once did. I cannot read it anymore without feeling gross and disgusted with myself for enjoying anything this foul human has produced.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Thanks for the clarification and pointing out that we're testing this now. I guess the implications are super yikes if it is found they have no duty to act in an active shooter situation. Seems like we have enough of those here that it would become a problem pretty quickly.

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (3 children)

So as much as I think the response was bullshit and all those cops deserve a place in hell, how can we bring charges against any of them for failing to protect the kids?

Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005) find that police have no duty to protect. He heard gunshots and it was scary so he ran away. Sounds like what I expect from our boys in blue.

I'm not saying it's right just that it feels impossible to actually prosecute.

[–] 12 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

In response to your second paragraph, someone posted above that it's racism. The Teamsters, at least this... Uh governing body?... Fired a number of people in leadership, 3/4 of them racial minorities. When they rehired for these newly opened positions only 1/4 of those hired were racial minorities.

Sick nasty

Thanks for your post, it's well written.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

So you're saying they're too stormy.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

That's really old! Wolfram says it's: 5.57458576 x 10^196 years old!

[–] 9 points 6 months ago (1 children)

You know I don't work with fractions of an inch on a daily basis... Or even monthly. But inevitably a couple times a year it's relevant. Every single time I have to take 3/4 multiply it by 2 and get 6/8, then I have to subtract 1/8 to get to 5/8. Repeat ad nauseum to get to whatever time fraction is needed.

It's frustrating and slow and makes me feel dumb.

That said last time I did it, I measured a 1/8th difference between cabinets we ordered from IKEA and the space they went in and I'll tell you what, I felt like a genius when it all just fit, perfectly.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)

It seems as though you underestimate the appeal of billions of dollars. It's not just the ability to never have to work again. Or power, prestige or any other nonsense. Or even just having tons of money. It's not greed that makes it appealing.

It's the security. The safety if knowing you'll never have to worry about food or housing. That your parents and family will be well taken care of. Your children will be able to have it all, that you've set them up for success and they won't have to struggle. It's knowing that your best friend who was diagnosed with cancer will have the best care available, wherever that may be in the world, and won't have to worry about food or housing or anything else while getting better.

You're either too young to understand or are lacking in empathy.

I'm not saying being a billionaire isn't inherently immoral. But the reason people take payouts like that are not solely down to greed.

[–] 17 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I mean that's cool but also not really a rebuttal to the user above. Now the person above is not correct. Kids absolutely know when they're getting the short end of a deal or at least when it comes to stuff they care about. And Congress didn't give a flying fuck about the good of the children or we'd have a food guarantee for all children and single prayer health care already.

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