Possibly a Sensorpush would work. They also have a WiFi gateway so it can send data even when a phone is out of BLE range.
Yes. I don't know who Bannon is referring to specifically but there's various billionaires behind him. He was living on a Chinese billionaires superyacht last year before his prison sentence.
SkyrimVR is out there waiting for you right now.
Super rich guy tried to pick up my then girlfriend at an industry event after party kind of thing. She was not impressed by any of his shit. The look of disappointment on his face after showing off his $250k watch still makes me smile all these years later.
I would recommend Chasm City by Reynolds if you liked the Revelation Space books. I don't think its considered part of the series but its set in the same universe.
That sounds like a nightmare to manage and keep up to date. I would consider using VMs or some other method instead of trying to multiboot dozens of OSes across different physical drives and devices.
S&P is like 23% this year, chasing Pelosi has apparently underperformed.
Yes. If you can afford it, dumping that money into an ETF like VT, VTI, or VOO every month for the next 10 years is very likely to result in you turning a profit. Start with a Roth IRA and don't bother with a standard brokerage account until you're able to max out the contribution limit. If you want to do anything more complicated than buy big low cost ETFs study up first and go slow.
A third suspect escaped by boat.
That's some action movie bullshit. Who escapes the FBI on a boat?!
I also went through that and will never forget the sermon where the minister projected a medical diagram of a rectum and then repeatedly explained how God designed it as an exit only and anal sex will send you to hell. He wouldnt stop talking about it and kept making gestures. I was long over the BS by that point so I sat there awkwardly trying not to laugh through the whole thing.
Park Ranger.