
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 8 months ago

"I mean outside of the areas that are documented by people that work, it is impossible."

[–] 16 points 9 months ago

And yet it's the "liberals" who are the whiny snowflakes.🙄

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (8 children)

Which part of "set up and run your own instance" is unclear you whiny buffoon!?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

If you don't actually understand why you got Trumped, making shit up to explain it is the wrong approach and just leads to another Trump or worse.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago

Which rule at the right says that again? I'm not seeing it.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

And since when the fuck is. “Thank you” an insult?

And since when is lying about what you actually said (lying by omission is still lying) intellectually honest?

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (6 children)

What is the "right way" and which of the rules at the right explain this?

[–] 20 points 9 months ago

Wow! Someone who gets "choice" and "freedom of association"!


If you use a compiled language, you should periodically look at Godbolt and see what your code is doing and what changes to your code will do in the compiled output.

In this case a positively insane way of calculating squares and cubes generates 311 lines of ARM assembler output that will swallow your memory. With even something as simple as -O1 on the command line it's replaced by one or two multiplications respectively. With -fwhole-program it removes the functions entirely and interlaces them into the loop in main().

Know your tools. It makes huge differences!


I've been using coroutines since I first encountered them in the same book that this author found them in. Unlike him I've used them all over the place professionally and in my personal stuff. I prefer them to threads, to FSMs, and to the callback Hell of reactors for most of my work. This article has a good explanation of why.


Stoner music from a country where being a stoner risks the death penalty.


Yunshang Band - "Mulan" [Lyric Video]


Street punk exported from Qingdao.


Imee Ooi is a Malaysian musician and producer who I liken to the Enya of Buddhism. This is a concert production of hers.


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The lead singer is a university professor and, indeed, a Ph.D. supervisor.

It shows in the music.


There is room for a successful argument that mainstream comic book superheroes have never been heroes and have always been champions of the status quo. I get this argument and can even see its merit. This is not my argument however.

My argument is that once Miller's Dark Knight stuff broke all sales records there has been a constant downward spiral of even this level of "heroism" and that post-Miller mainstream superheroes are today essentially just sociopathic costumed clowns.


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Blistering ambient (mostly) instrumental metal guitar from India mixed with...

A whole lot of stuff. It's hard to nail down a genre because, metal guitars aside, there's so much other stuff in there (ranging from folk to electronica) that the overall soundscape is crazy complicated.

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