
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Would like to see an Android version as well that has its own F-Droid repo

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

VSCodium > VSCode

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I’ll look up my notes tomorrow and post more details.

Thank you. Been struggling to get my IDE setup for go development.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

"console": "integratedTerminal" also works! Thank you?

Do you have a simple setup guide on how to get debugging to work with Go inside a docker container?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

This solution does with when using a launch request in the config. Thank you

Do you have a simple guide by chance on how to get debugging to work inside a docker container using VSCode?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Your files are not encrypted at rest on Nextcloud. Hoodik claims that your files are encrypted at rest.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Nextcloud and Owncloud are not E2EE. Hoodik is E2EE.

Syncthing syncs a folder between 2 or more devices, Hoodik is an E2EE version of Nextcloud

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Syncthing syncs a folder between 2 or more devices, Hoodik is an E2EE version of Nextcloud


Just needs a cross platform syncing app


I made some Go scripts that require user input fmt.Scanln(&fileName) during the execution. When I use the Go debugger built into VSCode which is the launch type, it works but there is no way to enter any prompts when your exeuctable asks for a input. With other programming languages like NodeJS and PHP, there is way to run the scripts in "debugging mode" where it will run the code but before it executes the code, it will wait to attach to a debugger on your system and then execute the code. This has always allowed me to use the terminal for inputs in the executable.

For example to do this in NodeJS, you will use node --inspect-brk= main.js instead of node main.js and then run the debugger in VSCode to attach it to the executing script. Is there a way to do this with Go? Do I need to set something up to achieve this?

I am on Linux Mint and cannot find any commands to run go run . but to wait for a debugger to attach to the executable before executing.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I made some Go scripts that require user input fmt.Scanln(&fileName) during the execution. When I use the Go debugger built into VSCode which is the launch type, it works but there is no way to enter any prompts when your exeuctable asks for a input. With other programming languages like NodeJS and PHP, there is way to run the scripts in "debugging mode" where it will run the code but before it executes the code, it will wait to attach to a debugger on your system and then execute the code. This has always allowed me to use the terminal for inputs in the executable.

For example to do this in NodeJS, you will use node --inspect-brk= main.js instead of node main.js and then run the debugger in VSCode to attach it to the executing script. Is there a way to do this with Go? Do I need to set something up to achieve this?

I am on Linux Mint and cannot find any commands to run go run . but to wait for a debugger to attach to the executable before executing.


Hoe do you self host a nix package repo & install nix packages from 3rd party repos? Is this even possible.

Other package managers allow you to install packages from 3rd party repos such as Flatpaks, apt, F-Droid, Scoop, Winget.

And is there any known 3rd party nix package repos?


Here is how you can add a simple action to open a folder in VSCodium within Nemo file manager.

  1. Create a new file in ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/ and name the file vscodium.nemo_action
  2. Open the file in a text editor
  3. Copy the code below into the file
[Nemo Action]
Name=Open in VSCodium
Comment=Open VSCodium in the selected folder
Exec=codium %F
  1. Save the changes made to the file
  2. Now when you right click inside a folder in Nemo, it will show an option "Open in VSCodium" and when you click this option, it will launch VSCodium using the currently directory as the workspace.

This can be modified to work with Visual Studio Code (Which is closed source unlike VSCodium) by editing codium %F to code %F

[–] 1 points 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Thank you Thunder devs for adding this feature fully into Thunder!

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Why could a build take 5 minutes? Is it due to the size of your project or the language the bundler is written in (JavaScript being a slower option over Rust)?


Do we need live reload feature in bunders? Couldn't we just use this extension for Visual Studio Code or simular features and extensions in other IDEs which will execute a custom command of your choice when you save a file with a certain file extension in your IDE?

This extensions allows you to customize the commands to execute in saving a file in your global VSCode settings and in the VSCode workspace settings .vscode/settings.json, allowing others to use the same configuration in group projects.

Lightning CSS does not have a live reload feature and the live reload feature in Rollup cannot handle watching many files, however using this extension in VSCode, will not watch files but run the npm run dev:css or npm run dev:js command when saving a css or js file without watching for files to change.

One downside I see with this is when working on a project with others who are using different IDEs that do not support this feature. Besides that, is there any downsides to this approach?


Lets say I have a simple JS library. Most of the JS code is inside an object named after the library with the properties being the method functions. Some of these method functions require other method functions (Example, methodC() requires methodA()).

const myLibrary = {
   methodA: function() {...},
   methodB: functiom() {...},
   methodC: function() {...},
   methodD: function() {...}

How would I split these methods up into modules and split up this code into multiple files to make it a standard file structure for a NPM package. Currently all of the code is in one large JS file, and it could be broken down into modules. I would like to keep it all in the one object myLibrary like most NPM packages which when used, have the following syntax...

myLibrary.methodB(true, true);

Were all the methods are contained inside a object.

Any help will be most appreciated.


When using dependencies such as NPM packages, Composer packages. Weather you use a CDN or host the packages on the web server, don't many packages out there require you to display the licenses of the package being used and show attributions?

How would one place this on their website? I even went to several websites to see how they do this and could not find a section and I am sure these website use packages that require the license to be listed and list the attributions.

I can find the licenses and attributions of packages used in many applications on desktop and mobile, usually in the apps "about" page.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

The customizable post metadata is amazing! Would like to see customizeable comment metadata if possible.

Thank you devs for allowing us to customize the upvote downvote display on comments and posts!


Is there a way to develop and website using JS (and perhaps PHP) to create an E2EE website. Were all packets sent between the server and the userw device are E2EE, wrapped in a layer of encryption?

I know there is HTTPS but I am looking for something stronger than HTTPS.

By using some JS or PHP E2EE package, would I have to write or structure the website code very differently than you normally would?


A way to copy the URL and lemmy address (, ! of a user and community


In the search tab, when you do not have anything typed in the search box, you can explore all of the communities, users, posts and comments.

You can filter this out with the filters by only exploring the local instance, the entire fediverse, etc.


A comment sorting option called "Chat" and "Forum"

On the official Lemmy web UI, you can sort comments by Hot, Top, New, Old and Chat. Please add a Chat sorting option.

Also, please add a "Forum" sorting option which will be the same as Chat except in reverse, showing the oldest comment first to the newest comments last, and will be ordered like a forum thread.

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