
joined 1 year ago
[–] -3 points 1 week ago

So are caves, yet humans can very easily cause damage to them accidentally, let alone deliberately

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't think people realise how generous steam is by allowing Devs to sell steam keys on other platforms and still handle all the distribution and updates and everything for a key they didn't get paid for, and all they ask is you give the same or better deal to customers who purchase direct through steam

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago

Given that steam let's you sell keys on other platforms (like gog, gmg, etc) and activate them on steam, and have steam handle all the heavy work of file distribution and stuff, it makes sense that steam wouldn't want you to sell steam keys cheaper on other platforms and make them wear all the cost of distribution... Otherwise they'd get no sales and end up with all the expense

The only other choice would be to no longer allow you to get steam keys to sell on other platforms or even to give away for review purposes or things like that.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My guess is similar to Intel XeSS where that's pretty much what it does, runs the game at lower resolution and uses the npu to upscale it in real-time

The biggest difference that this might bring is IF it can work with any game rather than just specific ones

[–] 5 points 4 weeks ago

The article is from a month ago, about a layoff that happened half a month before that, so this all happened before the ai rollout when they were probably still optimistic it was a good idea

[–] 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I was recently asked to make a small Android app using flutter, which I had never touched before

I used chatgpt at first and it was so painful to get correct answers, but then made an agent or whatever it's called where I gave it instructions saying it was a flutter Dev and gave it a bunch of specifics about what I was working on

Suddenly it became really useful..I could throw it chunks of code and it would just straight away tell me where the error was and what I needed to change

I could ask it to write me an example method for something that I could then easily adapt for my use

One thing I would do would be ask it to write a method to do X, while I was writing the part that would use that method.

This wasn't a big project and the whole thing took less than 40 hours, but for me to pick up a new language, setup the development environment, and make a working app for a specific task in 40 hours was a huge deal to me... I think without chatgpt, just learning all the basics and debugging would have taken more than 40 hours alone

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

He's had to shell out for both to appeal them... The first I believe he put up cash, the second he used properly as a bond

[–] 56 points 1 month ago (3 children)

In other words, a big customer finally got effected


Some here might remember my post from a couple of months ago when I first took Lexi home. She was handed in by her previous family due to their existing cat being very aggressive towards her. She had been sitting in the cage at the pound for 2 months when I adopted her.

It took a little bit to get used to me but now won't leave my side. As soon as I get on the computer, she jumps up and lays down at the side of the keyboard, which makes working difficult lol

I have a question for the community though, she seems very scared of all males other than me. She is fine with any women (she's especially loves my grandma and insists we go visit her next door daily). Is this normal for cats to be scared of men or is it likely something happened to her at the previous home?


Previous owners handed her in after their other cat was getting violent towards her


If I open the jerboa app and look at top posts for last 6 hours, all posts show no older than 6 hours ago (utc+10)

If I load up my local instance website, same thing (utc+10)

In boost, all the exact same posts say 16-20 hours ago which would be UTC-4 time?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I've been running several instances nginx proxy manager for a while and using a python script I wrote to keep them synchronised but lately I've been having them crash more often than usual.

I'm tossing up between rebuilding it to aim for better stability or looking at an alternative, so figured I'd ask the community for alternatives

Ideally I would like the ability to have 2 or more instances synchronised but not really important as long as they can share the same certificates

Doesn't need any other fancy features as it's mostly for my internal services with just a few opened for outside access


Seems swag might be worth a look, thanks all

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