Anyone having experience ipfire compared to PF/opnsense?
I'm using opnsense but it's based on BSD and the hardware support for my PCengine APU2C4 NICs isn't so great, I've read Linux based Firewalls might have better support (=performance=throughput). Only getting around 60MBs with plain firewalling, no IPS etc.
Opnsense seems to be much more feature complete though and all my searches for switching between them find only posts of people going from ipfire to opnsense.
Wasn't aware importing your posts is a thing, even if it's with its own tool - pretty cool!
If I wouldn't run mastodon with a hand full of other people already, I'd probably set up GTS and migrate. Though I'd have to see what's there on web interfaces currently, got pretty used to the mastodon multiple columns "advanced" interface.