
joined 8 months ago
[–] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I don't hate apple. Especially from a privacy record, they actually have a far superior history than essentially every other hardware manufacturer out there.

I think they're overpriced and I don't agree with some of their design decisions, and in general feel like they could give the consumer more control over things, which is why I don't personally have an iPhone or iPad etc., I use them at work and have nothing against them in general)

I've recently found out about and want to start using it.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Nostr does some interesting things! What I mentioned here is actually just the identity part of what I think could be a significantly improved version of the fediverse. I have ideas on how to support subreddit style communities and decentralized moderation and things like that that make the whole idea a bit different from nostr.

Yeah, I disagree with that part as well. I think it's fine for servers to store the content and provide endpoints for specific queries/sorts, and expecting the clients to have all the posts is a tad extreme.

In this case, yes the data needs to live somewhere, but that's the nature of having data be retrievable.

[–] 35 points 3 months ago (6 children)

I agree with this take, and recently I actually read this article that criticizes how server centric fedi is as a whole. If it's hard and expensive for a layperson to self host, but you need to have an account associated with a specific server, then you're going to end up with a system where you're under the whims of a instance owner still. Not to mention the whole pick a server step severely hurts our adoption rates.

I like the idea of having an account just being a public and private key pair. Theoretically you could make one client side, use it to sign your messages, and servers could verify the signature and distribute your post without needing to have an explicit account for you. You could send every message to a random instance and it'd still work. You wouldn't have to worry about links to the "wrong instance" and you wouldn't have to attach your identity to a instance that might shut down or be bought by a bad person. The server would be essentially irrelevant.

Honestly, these use cases all sound very cool, but I'm highly concerned about the idea of federating information that could effectively tie you to your physical location with a bunch of random servers. Even if all they see is a pseudonymous activitypub id.

To answer honestly, it's because the first sentence only uses common and easy to spell words.

I honestly think that philosophy is fine. Before the major social media sites all came about, the Internet was filled with much smaller communities that didn't need to be profitable or scalable - they could be run by an individual as a hobby project. I think returning to that (possibly with the use of federation so these small communities still have a good amount of content) could keep things free, ad free, and privacy conscious

Housing prices increase faster than inflation. Why do you think that is? Certainly not because housing is seen as an investment vehicle where corporations buy as much as they can just to rent out, increasing the demand and therefore price of housing beyond what the market rate would have otherwise been.

I think it's clear that landlords are making money (and even if they're not, they're at least gaining equity which will eventually make the whole thing profitable), with most of that profit coming from the mere act of owning the property and withholding it from those who need it in order to survive unless they pay - which is inherently coercive in nature, and a fork of violence against the working class performed by the owning class. Sure, there's a nominal amount of effort fees and effort, and I'm not going to knock property management, since that is actual work, but landlords primarily get their money from rent seeking (that is, however much they charge beyond their expenses).

I think the US would be a massively better place to live in if we massively taxed housing owned by corporations, or at least any properties owned by a single entity surpassing 1 or 2. The goal is to make it not profitable and not appealing as an investment, such that black rock et al see fit to unload most of all of their properties. The housing prices would and should crash, and finally be affordable again. The government might even buy a lot of them up and expand our socialized housing. Sure that last point might not be "fair" to existing home owners, but consider they are hy definition already well off enough to afford their own home and bought their homes during the time when it was still seen as an "investment" that by definition means it comes with some amount of risk. At least going forward, housing would no longer be a vehicle for investment and well on its way to becoming a human right, like it should be.

The "paradox of tolerance" has never legitimately stumped anyone. The initial act of intolerance broke the social contract, thus removing their right to tolerance themselves.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Gotcha. In that case I've already set that all up in sonarr/radarr directly, using shared docker volumes.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I never heard of those tools, but I have a jellyfin server. By "support" for jellyfin, does that mean it has like a plugin or something to request media from within jellyfin?


Howdy! I'm thepaperpilot, and for the past few months I've been working on something I think the internet doesn’t have enough of right now—a comfy, human-first social media space without ads or corporate interference.

Incremental Social combines Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and even Github through a collection of open source applications all customized and connected under one banner.

The goal of this website is to contribute to a "cozier" web, filled with smaller, more customized websites away from the hands of advertisers and corporations hunting for profit. The idea is to help people find a community they most fit in with, where they approve of the moderation practices, the people, and the discussions. For me, and possibly you, that was always going to be a community centered around incremental games. So this is intended to include anything a member of the incremental games community might want—be they a player, a developer, or both!

I host communities like this for fun, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, my favorite communities are neither monetized nor toxic. Running communities like these is a passion of mine, so I can run this website without ads or charging for features, indefinitely. As for toxicity, I’ve teamed up with /u/CardboardEmpress (@cardboardempress), a previous moderator on /r/incremental_games who shares my goals towards moderation, to co-admin Incremental Social. We’ve both been participating and moderating within the incremental games community for many many years, and understand this community well. That’s why I can promise you Incremental Social will feel great to participate in.

I believe in cultivating a positive and affirming community where developers feel safe and welcome to share what they’ve been working on—ultimately leading to more games for players to enjoy. This will be a tight-knit community, one where you recognize your neighbors, even if you’re just lurking.

Beyond this, Incremental Social isn’t just a singular platform. By virtue of being Federated, you can still get the full benefits of joining multiple communities like you would on Reddit, Discord, etc. Once you sign up, you can chat, make threads, and otherwise participate within not only the incremental games community, but other threads, posts, and people across thousands of other communities, covering subjects like technology, memes, and even George Takei.

If you're already familiar with the Fediverse and would rather join us from your existing account, you can do so by searching on lemmy/kbin/mastodon or joining the chat at!

I hope to see you on Incremental Social! In fact, once you do, go ahead and reach out to me. Ask me questions about the site, let me know what you think, and I might know a few people who you’d get along with. Thanks for reading this whole post. I’m really looking forward to spending less and less of my time on reddit and discord and spending it here instead. I’ve also still got some incremental games cooking in the background, and y’all will be the first to see them!

TL;DR: Incremental Social is a new community for incremental game enthusiasts combining features from Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Github. CardboardEmpress and I, two long-standing community members and moderators, are dedicated to cultivating a cozy, positive, and tight-knit community. Give it a try here and let me know what you think!

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