
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Short answer is yes. Long answer is that with text it's much easier to stamp out illegal activity because keyword searches are cheap while semantic searches in images are pretty good but extremely computationally expensive. You can't just scan for illegal activity in images the same way you can nigh instantly scan a body of text for "".

[–] 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Post the link! This isn't Twitter where you get penalized for posting links.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The Beehaw instance has defederated from the and instances. Each instance is responsible for sending updates to other instances. Defederation means that no outgoing updates are sent and no incoming updates are honored.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Upside: Easy as pie and can be used by anyone who has used Dropbox/OneDrive/GDrive/whatever

Downside: everyone gets a copy of every file regardless. Good luck getting rid of old files. Could be fine, though.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Seconding Smart Launcher. Automatic categorization beats pretty much every other feature I can think of in a launcher.

I try to treat my devices as commitments as far as spending but disposable as far as usage habits and not having invent my own categories helps me just USE my phone instead of playing with it.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I use it for everything that doesn't explicitly need to be shared or anything that is going to be printed. I needed to print a document as a booklet and LibreOffice had that feature and Drive didn't.

I also keep a baseline suite of apps installed on every machine and that includes LibreOffice.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Seconding the basic rules. You can get pretty much the entire vibe of the game from this. You can even create characters!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

$50 for nothing. Cool.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Depends on the exact shape and size of your model but for anyone wondering your can get anything from a separate nozzle you have to reach in and aim yourself to an entire toilet replacement.

I have a unit that fits comfortably under the existing seat with the controls on the side.

If you're really annoyed by how your current unit fits you might look into the ones that completely replace the seat.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I use Kavita because calibre-web doesn't have reading progress. It can be a bit weird about what metadata it picks up from scanning your library. I have a lot of problems with books having the wrong metadata until I manually rescan the library.


I mostly play Magic with people that I've taught the game and gotten hooked on it. Because of that I always keep the new player experience in mind when building decks and some of them are even built with that as a hard constraint.

These are the decks I keep that I give to newer or rustier players. They tend to have a bit everything or else commit hard to just the one theme where the theme is obvious.

Halana and Alena Counters - Make your commander big then they make something else big every turn.

Sloguurk Self-Mill - mill yourself, make your commander big, draw lands from the graveyard, play them.

Ramp City Svella - Ramp ramp ramp, cast fatties, profit.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I forgot to mention I also have a samba share running on it and it's sooooooo sloooooow. I might need to reflash the thing just to cover my bases but it's unusable for large or many files.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I use SSH to manage docker compose. I'm just using a raspberry pi right now so I don't have room for much more than Syncthing and Dokuwiki.


I have long said that [[Svella]] is a "fixed" [[Golos]]. She essentially does the same thing by both ramping and drawing cards but doesn't give you five colors for no reason and serves as both an early and late game mana outlet.

It's a deck I often give to newer players because the gameplay is pretty well advertised by the commander.

What do you think of my deck?


We all have that deck that just survives even though it isn't the best. For me that's [[Torgaar, Famine Incarnate]]. It's not the best mono black commander in any way but its particular combination of effects to me is emblematic of mono black. It's a bit of a swiss army knife and so I find myself hard pressed to really change anything about the core of the deck.

What's your pet deck?

I finally did it. I went through the entire web fiction archive and turned it into EPUBs (except the NEO manga PDF).

330 "books", 2.24 GB

All stories have the proper metadata with title, author(s) and series (set/block/anthology) and include the proper cover image as shown on the MTG Story Archive here:


This is the link to the Google Drive containing the files. The anthologies and chapters are separated by folder so you can choose your preferred reading experience.

It was A LOT of work but made much easier using a variety of software tools to automate the most important steps.


Tools used


In the future I may write custom software that would let me scrape a database of links and do every step automatically but that would take longer than the one whole day it took me to do this. There's is also no source that I know of that has a complete mostly of all free web fiction with working links. It's a mess on the mothership.



I like Torgaar as my Mono Black Stuff deck and am looking to trim the fat a bit. The Burglar Rat effects are up for cutting but I'm not sure what direction to go in.

Painful Quandary seems cool for when I set something to 20 with Torgaar?


Cross posted from Reddit

I finally did it. I went through the entire web fiction archive and turned it into EPUBs (except the NEO manga PDF).

330 "books", 2.24 GB

All stories have the proper metadata with title, author(s) and series (set/block/anthology) and include the proper cover image as shown on the MTG Story Archive here:


This is the link to the Google Drive containing the files. The anthologies and chapters are separated by folder so you can choose your preferred reading experience.

It was A LOT of work but made much easier using a variety of software tools to automate the most important steps.


Tools used


I know Reddit flux so I figured now is as good a time as any to release a dump like this. I hope it's something people want.

In the future I may write custom software that would let me scrape a database of links and do every step automatically but that would take longer than the one whole day it took me to do this.


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