If inflation has eaten away at your 6 figure salary that hasn’t been updated since 2009 imagine how the plebs making $7.25/hr feel.
Mariner is definitely down for anything. She’s dating the andorian Jennifer in a few episodes and she also went on a date with Steve Levy the conspiracy guy. She also dated an Anabaj to annoy her mom so…yeah.
She even says this in one episode (the Tom Paris one):
“Oh I’m always dating bad boys, bad girls, bad gender non-binary babes, ruthless alien masterminds, and bad Bynars.”
DS9 had Jadzia kiss another trill whose host happened to be a woman. TOS had the first televised interracial kiss. ENT had a pregnant Trip Tucker. Trek has always been woke.
The writer is an attorney teaching constitutional law and political philosophy.
All that needs to be said about this "science" ~~article~~ blog post.
They go to a star a few times. Troy "Butt soup" Barnes is a bit of an idiot though.
Per comments from Holmes himself, the idea for the name had nothing to do with Tolkien’s works, nor the movie. It was instead to denote royalty and lordship. I have seen nothing in any of the reporting to indicate that this had to do with anything other than the name of the food truck. The truck wasn’t going to be themed after the books or films. There wasn’t going to be any trade dress or vehicle wraps harkening back to those works of fiction. There wasn’t to be a flavor of chicken called “One wing to rule them all.”
So trademark holders being douchebags as usual. The Lord of the Rings isn't associated with chicken wings in anyway so how could consumers be confused?
Ensigns, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And killed them all, without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful warp along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it Janeway
I have a couple Star Trek questions, if you don't mind.
What time did you guys have to get up in the morning?
Does every writer write for one character?
What's a best boy?
I saw it in the credits once.
Why don't they call it Planet Trek? You never go to a star. Not one episode.
I hope I'm a gimmie and not a dim.
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