
joined 1 month ago
[–] 4 points 20 hours ago

Yeah the guy Theo Von got bullied by at the trump inauguration then the next day Theo apologized to him for it. 2/5 stars meme id bang the chicks though.

Yes landlords shouldn't exist. Colleges shouldn't exist either talk about a cash scam and purely for profit leaches, don't get me started on student athletes only a real scumbag would take a billion dollar industry and not pay the "workers".

I see it differently these people are fucked, they have no money no hope and have been poorly educated by design. Along comes a conman who promises the world to them. They got got. The saddest part is some of them (well at least the younger people) have slowly realized the truth.

Id probably use Linux with a browser as your best option.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Yeah some people desire to be exploited! Send those kids back into the mines! /S

Critical thought and reason Zero for you.

[–] 83 points 5 days ago (4 children)

People are really just gonna "No that's not what he meant all the way to the gulags." Hope they enjoy leopards.

I'm from rhodesia.

[–] 13 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Elon actually buys it by the "diaper load" not a bag but yeah you are correct.

[–] 126 points 6 days ago (8 children)

Cue Elon crying about being blackmailed by canada on some podcast after a ket bender.

Lol thanks for having a good sense of humor.

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