
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I just got around to reading this, I'm not even sure what my real question is and I agree they should leave if it bothers them so much.

My best analogy would be imagine you're playing your favorite game of all time, and the devs add a feature that bothers a majority of the player base including you, but 5% of the player base feels like they are finally spoken to. The majority of players are upset and want it changed back. You don't want to leave because it's still your favorite game, but it does feel unfair when the people already playing the game who are paying to keep the game as they like it, have the game changed out from under them adding parts they really dislike.

I'm not trying to say this is a reasonable complaint, or that it should "ruin the game" for them.but hypothetically if it did ruin the game for them, is it unfair to make things better for some when the majority is paying to keep the game as it was before?

I know the playerbase is right leaning because most (all that I have seen) videos on diversity and inclusion posted on OSRS YouTube will be 70% dislikes (before dislike counters were removed) with 250k views. This has been a huge controversy in the game for years pride event first suggested by jagex (almost universally disliked update, I cannot find one positive comment towards it) video of huge gatherings of players to protest the event protest with a very small amount of people counter protesting

None of these are studies or statistics, and maybe most people actually don't care and just log in and play the game, I am just stating that from all the players I have seen and all the comments left on every video about inclusion, this is either a large portion of players, or the majority is nearly completely silent (which I doubt because these protests are about 35% of the total population on that runescape world)

[–] 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I think the people downvoting took "quoting Harry Potter sounds like you hate me" as "quoting Harry Potter means you hate trans people" (stated as fact). The OP said this is how it feels to them, we shouldn't downvote people for sharing how they experienced something.

Also I think people are reading it as "the worst pickup line." rather than "the worst pickup line (for me as a NB person)"

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Just a post of someone saying they'd rather be stuck in the middle of the woods with a bear rather than with an unknown man, been posted lots of places not just lemmy.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I think most people are somewhat oblivious to them making others feel uncomfortable because they can clearly see you and they don't feel nervous, so their brain tells them no one around them feels nervous. The more the reverse happens (them feeling followed) the more aware they'll become that they're doing it.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

je pense de ce truc quelquefois... si des gens aiment les choses sexistes et mal pour la culture, même dans une societe égalitaire, qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire? Ne fait pas des choses qui les gens aiment? Peut-être, mais il y a des hommes et des femmes qui aiment dessiner et voir ces femmes dans ces mangas, et cela entraîne beaucoup de problèmes.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Sometimes very dangerous, as an example a company may pay for security updates for windows XP, but you won't get these updates. Say someone takes a look at what changed, finds a buffer overflow or other easily exploited bug, embeds that in a program, and pays to have it bundled with some freeware. One of these exploits could even infect you just from visiting a webpage.

Security updates are annoying but they're the one kind of update Microsoft is actually justified in pushing

[–] 6 points 9 months ago

Everything outside of my health is great, good relationship with my family, stable situation, generally good attitude towards life, but I got covid in 2021 and now just staying out of bed the whole day is basically impossible. A fun event passes and half the time I just feel completely blank, like having a good friend telling you something you find extremely interesting but you haven't slept for 50 hours. Even watching a movie is just overwhelming and I need to take breaks. I sometimes feel like I'm already dead and I'm just lingering on. Half of my life feels like a dream, 40% feels like I'm just trying to get to tomorrow where I might feel conscious, and 10% feels almost normal. My whole family is excited about Christmas and I'm overwhelmed by the idea of staying out of bed long enough to say hello to my brothers..

[–] 8 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I played factorio on either the original version or the one after, and thought wow this game is really cool I'm glad something like this finally exists. I see a couple small youtube channels talking about it and making videos, and I'm like cool maybe in a couple years this turns into a polished game. ~3 months later and the game is one of the most downloaded on steam and is getting huge updates every few weeks. Totally shocked me that it was that ridiculously popular.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

As a (sometimes) lurker, when I see a comment on the middle east I say "wow even if I studied this conflict I would still have trouble having an opinion here" and skip over it+the replies. I also can't tell if the person said something so ridiculous that the ad hom isn't out of line.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago (7 children)

I would've failed out of highschool but homeschool allowed me to take community college classes that didn't force 2 hours of busywork every day. If regular schools could deal with different types of students I'd agree, but as it is now that's not the case.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Thanks for the info, that makes a lot of sense.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (11 children)

Wanted to add a few arguments I saw about eggs, first that we selectively bred chickens to produce eggs at an extremely high rate (unsure what this does to their well-being, but apparently the laying itself is painless). Second, the chicken's eggs could be seen as the "work" they do in exchange for keeping them healthy and happy.

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