
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

I have fully switched to kagi, it's not perfect but for the average case it's better than google.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Hi, I am a building a platform with the goal of supporting apps like this, and I would be interested to develop a plugin for your use-case as an experiment (no fee).

I am working alone on this and this is not my first priority, so I cannot make any guarantees about the timeline, or the scope of the plugin. But, if you are interested we can have a chat on matrix.

The project is not open source yet, but I am planning on doing so once (a) I figure out how to properly apply licensing, and (b) remove any potentially critical information (credentials) from the repository.

[–] 22 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Been writing an article about dating while being AuDHD. While I am not going to pretend I am some guru that is going to turn your dating experience upside down, I have a few things that have worked for me:

  1. Be open about your neurodivergency. If a person is worth it, they will be interested to know more about it, try to understand and accommodate your needs, and be charmed by your quirks.
  2. Respect your RSD. If you feel like you are receiving negative feedback don't shutdown, instead ask for clarification. If you want to do something but are afraid how it will be perceived, ask them. Unsurprisingly, people tend to appreciate the check-ins, it is perceived as you being caring.
  3. Try pebbling. It is the act of sharing things that you think the other person would appreciate. Feel free to info dump, feel free to share relevant experiences.
  4. Be meta as fuck. Explain your thought process, why you are doing something, and that train of thought that led to you saying seemingly completely irrelevant. Allistic people don't understand neurodivergence, but the right people will make the effort.
  5. Be honest. Maybe you don't feel safe to expose your date to your fully unmasked self, and that's okay. BUT, honesty can go a long way. See something you like? Turn that into a compliment! Feeling insecure? Explain that and ask for validation! Something bothers you? Ask for the appropriate accommodations!
  6. Don't try to impress the other person. Instead give your date the chance to like the real you. It's much more sustainable in the long term, you will feel more free and safe in your relationship, and it's fucking good to be appreciated.
  7. Routinize flirting. The consistency feels great for the other person, everyone needs a confidence boost and a few words of affirmation.
[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I have setup a rustdesk server with docker, it was surprisingly easy to get started. It was for a friend who is managing the IT services of a small factory, the completely switched from TeamViewer and they are satisfied. More importantly their users, who are worse than your average windows user, found the transition relatively painless.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I show my hairdresser a picture of my previous haircut (or one I like).

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

TIL this is called cognitive shuffle, it seems there a few studies on its effect on late onset insomnia, but no conclusive evidence on its efficacy. I am wondering if a more targeted study would provide better results (aka only on monotropic people)?

[–] 15 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

That's compatible with information theory. You have a piece of information, the moment you encode it (turn your idea into words) that piece of information is transposed to a little different piece of information, then the channel of transportation adds a bit of noise (depends on the environment, most often literal background noise), and then the receiver decodes the to a different piece of information (turn your words into an idea of their own).

Understanding this concept is an important communication skill. Information theory gives a bunch of tools to minimize the difference between the idea in your head and the perception of the idea by your peer.

  • You can add redundancy, aka say the same thing twice in a slightly different way.
  • Use questions to validate your understanding.
  • Have your peer use their own words.
  • Use a different encoding, aka draw a picture, a diagram, or use gestures instead of using language to communicate
[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I have been using for the past month. I am not a power user, I mostly use it when I need to access libgen. Previously, I was using nordvpn. I feel proton is faster both when connecting to a server but also the connection is faster/more reliable. For example, if I forget to turn it off, I can watch a yt video without any issues.

[–] 44 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I can provide some context from Greece.

First of all, the unemployment rate is high. The official figure is currently at 12.5% but has been steadily decreasing from its peak of 27.7% in 2013. The real numbers are probably higher since people that haven't been employed within the last few years are not accounted.

As a result, labour rights are non-existent, overtime is rarely paid, wages have been stagnant since 2008, it is really common to work in unsafe conditions, and worker abuse occurs so often noone bats an eye.

While we do have unions more often than not they are powerless. For example, last year we had a major train accident (57 people died), the goverment blamed the train workers, their response was pretty much "our strikes for the safety issues that lead to the accident were deemed illegal, while our attempts to raise the issues were dismissed by the ministry of transportation".

We have had major nationwide protests with more than a million of people taking to the streets, but noone feels like that ever lead to anywhere.

IMO one of the greatest problems is the lack of information. Mainstream media are corrupt, and independent media are sabotaged or persecuted by the government. People do not know their rights, we have been trying to survive for so long that we cannot imagine a better future, and that allows employers to freely profit from laborers.

One interesting development is that lately more collectives are popping here and there, from coffee shops to softwafe development houses, more and more people are fed up and try to take matters on their own hands (even if in absolute numbers they are still very few).

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I am stealing that phrase, thanks 🙏

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

I find it helps navigate certain quirks and get the help I need to thrive. For example, after disclosing I have ADHD, people are much more open to move when I am affected by background noise.


If you haven't heard this cliche while discussing your neurodivergency with someone, then I envy your luck. Yesterday I fucked up, I feel shitty, but also I am pissed.

Our brains are impulsive af and tend to forget the most important information. We mess up, our RSD (and empathy) kicks in, we feel terrible, we vow to be more careful, but guess what? Thats fucking exhausting.

As a result, we start overthinking our every waking moment, stressing over every little thing. Because, we are trying to be aware of the things we cannot perceive.

At some point, hopefully we realize that we cannot live like that, and we start to arbitrarily ignore our compulsion to overthink. Most often that works out great because most often the threat is not real, but sometimes we make the wrong call.

The times we overthink are still more than the times we do not, and we still mess up. Let us have our fucking peace.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

IMO it's not about what metric is used, but how it is used. The current approach, completely avoiding any karma like mechanism, solves the farming issue, but IMO does not cater to the needs of every user.

For example, I have ADHD and if accumulating karma gives me much needed motivation and feel good chemicals, I am going to take them.

At the same time, holding a user to a higher regard because of their karma is stupid, it's better to build real connections with usernames you recognise through continuous communication.

Personally, karma was an easily digestable piece of information about how my outreach into the social media is performing. Accumulating karma helps me feel connected with the community, feel accepted.


I have been doing a lot of research about ASD and ADHD, and I would like to contribute by sharing information with other people. So, I was wondering if there is a wiki for that purpose.


Not an American, but I just noticed that the election day is on the 5th of November. Given the similarities between Trump and the chancellor, it seems like a good opportunity to remind people what is coming if they vote for Trump.

For those who haven't watched V for Vendetta, do it, the reference will make sense.

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.


As a software engineer I have adapted to the world turning upside down every couple of years and having to learn new concepts and technologies. However, I have been noticing other fields struggling to adapt as things change in a faster scale.

For example, some researchers have pointed out that the number of papers about ADHD increases exponentially every year. However, most mental health professionals, at least in my area, seem to be severily outdated, often using information that has been debunked within the last 10-20 years.

So, I was wondering if other fields are affected and how they are adapting?

Edit: Bonus question, assuming a 40hr week (a luxury for most), how much time out those 40hrs would you need to spend on education?


I am reading "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price and the introduction has an exercise that requires you to come up with 5 moments in your life where you felt fully alive. I have spent the better part of yesterday trying to remember such moments, but I am not even sure what it means... I was hoping the community here can provide some insights, either by sharing their moments or their definition of being "fully alive".

Full text of the exercise for anyone interested:

Instructions: Think of five moments in your life when you felt like you were FULLY ALIVE. Try to find moments from throughout your life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood; school, work, vacation, hobbies).

Some of the moments might leave you with a sense of awe and wonder—“wow, if all of life was like that, life would be amazing!” Some of the moments might leave you feeling deeply recharged and ready to face the next challenge, or satisfied and fulfilled.

Write down each of these moments. Tell the story of each moment in as much detail as possible. Try to think specifically about why the moment stuck with you sodramatically.


When reading about the shortage, they always write about Europe or America. This got me wondering, is there an issue in Asia? if not could we order from there?


I am developing a platform, the details don't matter, but it's a system the hosts personal data. As a result, I want to avoid hosting users in any way, and I am trying to make it as easy to self-host as possible.

I have some experience self hosting applications and I have some intuuition what to do or don't, but I wanted to see if I can pull from the collective wisdom.

Got any good resources to share? Any tips? Or, maybe some bad experiences or things to avoid?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/


Being a full stack developer, I have decent experience with both python and Typescript. I often use python for API development and I have been trying to write code that is pep-484 compliant (aka fully typed). However, often I get the feeling that if I was using TypeScript it would be much easier.

That got me wondering why there isn't a fully typed language that compiles to python.

I am aware of some arguments, so I am going to get the conversation started by providing my thoughts on them.


ts2python is a TypeScript to python compiler.

Unfortunately, it covers only a small subset of python's capabilities. I am not sure why this hasn't been adopted and/or expanded to cover more of python's capabilities, but I can see possible issues with some python features that are not supported by TypeScript like context managers or operator overloading.

Still wondering if it would be possible to extend the TypeScript compiles so it would support such features?


pep-484 describes how to provide type hints for python, it's not ideal but good enough that don't have to invent a new language.

IMO that's a trap, pep-484 (and other typing related peps) are not a good enough solution, on the contrary sometimes they are straight up misleading.

For example, consider the stubs for comparisons with built-in types, you would notice that they are defined as __op__(self, other: Any) -> bool: ... which is not correct as when other implements __opposite_op__ that is called instead of builtin.__op__, and it's return value may be of a different type.

Typing tools have not caught up with it, right now only pyright has full compliance with pep-484 (and other typing related peps). For that reason, SQLAlchemy had to introduce more than a couple of workarounds so MyPy can understand what's is happening behind the scenes, even for features that are pep-484 compliant.

Use Another Language

Python was never meant to be fully typed, and they make it clear.

True, but there are a bunch of libraries unique to python that make it a mandatory choice for many tasks. Things are changing and other options become available, but it's going to take time until there is another viable alternative.


Interested to read your thoughts.

  1. Is there another reason typing support hasn't advanced?
  2. Are you satisfied with typing support for python?
  3. Are you transitioning to another language?
  4. Are you aware of any new and exciting typing tools?

Of course, if typing is not an issue for you, that's okay, every software has different constraints.


In physics, it's common to develop a formula and then stick a constant to explain the unknown. For example, Newton's theory of gravity uses the gravitational constant G on the formula F = G * m_1 * m_2 / r^2, later on Einstein gave a more accurate explanation with the theory of relativity which does not rely on a constant E = m * c^2. Constants provide a good enough explanation of the laws of physics that's useful for centuries.

I was wondering what's the equivalent in social studies? How do researchers deal with the uncertainty of human behaviour?

Edit: Comments made me remember how much I don't understand the theory of relativity, terrible example, sorry for the confusion. I need to rephrase the question but I don't know how.

I am looking for "glue" concepts, things that help connect observations with theory, aka if I calculate m_1 * m_2 / r^2 the result is slightly off but if I account for G, an empirical constant derived from observation, then everything makes sense for the observable universe.

Also, as someone said, I am referring to social studies.


TLDR; I would like to study the Fediverse and I am looking for recommendations and connections with like minded people/researchers.

I have a CS degree and I have aspirations for an academic career. In the past, I was interested in programming languages and the theory of computation. The past year I have been more interested in social issues like isolation, freedom of press, misinformation, and access to information. I have been following the fediverse closely and I truly believe in its potential.

My goal is to study social media as a computational system, how a bunch of people interacting with each other can generate reliable information. Topics I have been thinking about include: How neurodivergency awareness has been booming through social media, how scientific research can be done in a global collaborative environment instead of an institution focused, and how misinformation could be combatted with small interconnected social circles like mastodon.

I have been considering getting a master's degree in a related field like social computing. The Human Technology Interaction program of Eindhoven University seems interesting, especially the Behavioural and Social Computing track. Also, there is the option of diving into a PhD right away.

Either way I am broke right now, so I should probably start studying on my own while I try to create a safety net that would allow me to make my next step in 2025.

So, if you made it through my autistic info dump, I thank you and I was hoping to get your feedback. While any feedback is appreciated, I have the following questions in my mind:

  1. Are there any other terms like social computing that would help me understand the field?
  2. Are there any researchers you would I suggest I follow?
  3. Any books or papers recommendations?
  4. If you are a researcher/student with similar concerns, would like to have a chat? You can find my matrix handle on my profile.
  5. Any other universities I should look into?

Last but not least, let me know if you are interested for me to make a follow-up post with any information I gather.


The title says it all. It's November and I have yet to wear anything but shorts and a t-shirt. It's 25C outside and whenever I go for a walk I sweat like a pig. This time of the year I should be taking out my heavy coat, jeans and a jacket should be the bare minimum.

I am located in Athens, Greece where the weather is usually nice but not this nice...

It's like a daily reminder of the doom that has to follow. How are you coping with this?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I understand that I have to relax every now and then, however I am really struggling with it, being constantly in an endless loop of:

  1. Having a lot of energy and doing a bunch of stuff for a couple of weeks.
  2. Getting exhausted to the point I cannot control my impulsions and wreck my daily routine
  3. Try to rest only to fall in a depressive state for a couple of weeks.
  4. Collect myself up and repeat from step 1.

Trying to do low effort activities like watching a series or playing video games, is addictive, I stay up late without being able to stop, and end up more tired.

The hobbies I like require focus, and that's what I am trying to avoid. Examples include programming and chess.

Going out with friends is nice but drains my social energy, after a couple of weekends out I need to stay in.

Chores sometimes work, but other times I feel guilty about the state of cleanliness of my home.

So, how do you relax/rest? Got a magic recipe? Are you struggling like me?

Edit: I just want to say this community is awesome, thanks for the support.

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