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[–] 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Centrists abandoned virtue when they supported a genocider for some perceived tactical advantage-- whether you're voting trump or Harris. They should be doing that with their eyes open and acknowledge that cost. Arab voters arent supporting a genocider when they vote third party or uncommitted.

You want to claim that any vote besides Harris is a vote for Trump. I supoose if people want to ignore a gencoide (like you probably do) they might as well ignore any respect for the concept of democracy and representation as well (like you probably do). Centrists are running out of things to sell out on, and running out of supporters to win the election-- and its not a coincidence that selling out and supporting a genocide will coincide with losing.

Arabs didnt leave the democratic party, the party left them. For some AIPAC donations.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Well, I imagine theres a continuum of experiences and definition differences across the industry. Similar to how "product manager" is different at each place. What I saw back in the early 2000s or so was that the SRE and the word "engineer" in general used to be handed out sparingly. An "SRE" was a sysad/devops who had the ability to commit code to fix a product instead of just opening a bug and waking an engineer. An "engineer" committed compiled code, not short scripts. But then eveyone and their cousin became "sre" whether they deserved it or not, and everyone got an "engineer" title. I've seen manual QA folks who were unironically called "engineers". QA is dead now and QE is barely hanging on, and SRE seems to be dying too. Not sure whats next, maybe just overpriced cloud gui tools and thats the end of it. And SRE can go be high school comp sci teachers. And SWE can wake up and fix their own bugs and hate their lives.

[–] 0 points 5 hours ago

read up on those stats yourself. The block of voters who voted for hillary the most were 18-29 year olds.

Trumps biggest camp were white voters who had not completed college, by a huge factor. Do you think those people are progressives? Most voters lack a college degree.

You have been infected with the idea that progressives cost Hillary the election because you lot were looking for people to blame who werent either centrists or hillary herself. So lies became truths for you lot, and even if your lies had been true you wouldnt want to evaluate why that dynamic existed. All you want to get to is an ability to lay blame, like thats useful, and you dont even do it accurately.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

idiots finding excuses to not vote for the only other candidate with a chance of winning

Some people wont sign on to genocide whether their party will or not. Dont the christians say god over country over party or something like that? These arent idiots, and your saying they are seems a bit petulant. You cant demand the world act like you want it to, unless you are super spoiled rich? You rich, bro?

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

Trump/Putin stating openly he'd end the republic seemed insane at first, but maybe he/they saw some polls that showed how many people were disaffected with the current system and decided to roll the dice on it. Its somehow resonating, which is a real eye opener. Our entire system of government ending is neck and neck in an election and the DNC wont lift a finger toward creating unity, because it would risk some bribes being withdrawn. They clearly dont see the danger at all.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

They are merely voting for their own self interests.

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I imagine that they dont care about that because they dont calculate it like you do. They will move Harris to be better or they'll burn it all down with fire using Trump. Thats them voting in their own long term self interests, at the cost of a very small short term comfort of life under Harris vs Trump, and its completely rational. You are offered a cushy existence under Harris and they are clearly not, and yet you lecture like they are. Why should they care about your comfort when you shrug as they are murdered or at best treated with open contempt? Dem strategists should have been paying attention to their persona pattern long before now and they just shrugged and ignored it, so here we are with a group thats been maligned and more or less pushed out of the party, and we need their votes to win a wing state.

Sucking up to independents, who arent reliable and are basically republicans, disaffected republicans, and gun nuts is a hail mary that has never worked and no one knows if it will work this time. This is the usual DNC bedshitting and incompetence.

Locking a decisive voting block in a swing state out of the Democratic party convention was a massive, massive mistake, and all Harris has been doing is doubling down on it.

Hillary didnt visit Iowa, and Harris blew off Michigan.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

Just because Harris is supporting a genocide on their people, made sure no pro palestinian voice could speak at the Democratic party convention, and talks down to youth protesting the genocide, these Arab Americans abandon the democrats. Talk about ungrateful. There's no reasoning with them. /s

[–] 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Progressives vote more reliably than non progressives of their same age cohort. Always have.

[–] -1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (2 children)

Ah yes, the classic kick down on youth voters. Way to alienate your coalition partners, centrist. All for what, a self indulgent online tantrum?

All the progressives I know are 50 something years old like I am.

You are the one acting childish and entitled here, not the youth you denigrate. Hillary looked down her nose at youth too. Whats she been up to lately?

[–] 3 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

Progressive voter intentions are to pressure the Harris campaign to stop the flow of weapons. If she did that she'd have her progressive vote. Progressive leadership climbed in with the Harris campaign early with endorsements. But you'll notice that AOC has had enough of being ignored and is now unloading on Harris. Progressives wont simply blindly support an AIPAC hand puppet like centrists will.

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