
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 hour ago

It’s not impossible lol. All a company would need to do is keep track of where they were getting content. If I use a script to download as much of the internet as possible and end up with a bunch of copyrighted content I could still get in trouble, hell there was even a guy arrested for downloading jstor without authorization.. Stop letting these guys get away with crimes just because you like the idea of the end product

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

That is a wonderfully destructive ending!

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It’s not just public knowledge, Lufthansa tested it in commercial airliners a few years ago. it’s just a FUD article to make it look like this is some new unknown super tech.

[–] 53 points 1 month ago

This might be a change due to that new Microsoft recall program

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I’d agree, that’s fantastic to hear!

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Do they have a price announced yet? I love the idea, just unsure how well they can compete with others on price

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I’ve been using an onn brand puck that was cheap as dirt and been working for hdmi to my tv. Honestly if there’s a Walmart nearby I’d recommend going that route if cheap and occasional usage is the goal.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Glad we got to the root issue! As others have said this is a learning process and you picked one of the more complicated ones to start with. Once this is done e everything else will start to feel much easier!

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

If you are on the raspberry pi with a physical screen/keyboard and mouse you can also try accessing with the ip address "localhost:80" and see if there's a connection that way as well.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

We can get the port list another way. From the terminal on the raspberry pi run the command "nmap localhost". Let us know what that shows, but I would expect to see either 80, 443, or both.

As a side note, if you did not give the nextcloud container a certificate when you made it, you cannot use https:// on the browser, as it has no way to talk using that security mechanism. It is only capable in that case of using http:// and port 80. You will need to disable forced https to access the site (this is fine on the local network if every device is trusted, and only encrypted vpn service in like zerotier is used imo). This might be your problem here, especially if you are seeing both ports listed as open on the pi.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (5 children)

You would be given a safety risk warning page by your browser if you did the self signed certificate that you’d need to tell it to connect anyway, so that likely isn’t the issue. Looking at ports, how are you trying to connect to the server? If you did not assign a certificate at all, you would want to use port 80, port 443 if you did install a certificate.

For instance, my Nextcloud is on ip With that in mind I would be using:

No certificate: Certificate:

Does this look like what you are typing in?

As two additional questions, what is the output of “docker container ls” typed into the terminal? And what operating system did you install on the pi, was it raspbian?

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (8 children)

At a glance your first issue is finding the correct ip address, you should only have one local ip address to access it with (inside your home network).

To find your local ip, type “ip a” into the terminal, and look for the address under “eth0“ for a wired connection, or “wlan0” for wireless. This will allow you to connect using the ip and port while on your home network to test the connection and make sure it works right.

After that, I highly recommend the vpn option, it will simplify connecting to it while not at home without creating security issues like setting it up with a domain. I personally use zerotier, that guide will help you get it set up on the raspberry pi. Not the last bit about a “managed ip.” That will be the address to tell your phone to connect too once you have the vpn set up on the phone as well.


Amid a massive recall in 2021, the medical device maker Philips raced to overcome troubling questions about its replacement machines as customers waited for help.


A Texas prisoner who is facing execution having been sent to death row on the basis of “shaken baby syndrome”, a child abuse theory that has been widely debunked as junk science, has had his petition to the US supreme court denied.

The country’s highest court issued its denial on Monday morning giving no explanation. Robert Roberson, 56, who was sent to death row in 2003 for shaking his two-year-old daughter Nikki to death, had appealed to the justices to take another look at his case focusing on the largely discredited forensic science on which his conviction was secured.

The court’s decision leaves Roberson’s life in jeopardy. Having come within four days of execution in 2016, he has already exhausted appeals through Texas state courts and must now rely on the mercy of the Republican governor Greg Abbott who rarely grants clemency.

“Robert Roberson is an innocent father who has languished on Texas’s death row for 20 years for a crime that never occurred and a conviction based on outdated and now refuted science,” the prisoner’s lawyer, Gretchen Sween, said.


I'm trying to set up rules so I can access a few different containers from zerotier. I've already set up an ssh-x11 container and the passthrough is working fine with:

rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8000 -> port 22

where $ext_zero is the variable for the zerotier bridge.

However, trying to stream music with jellyfin with:

rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8096 -> port 8096

I get consistent connection refused messages.

The full pf.conf for redirections: Code:

table <jails> persist
nat on $ext_if from <jails> to any -> ($ext_if:0)
rdr-anchor "rdr/*"
rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8000 -> port 22
rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8096 -> port 8096
rdr on $ext_zero proto tcp from any to $ext_zero port 8920 -> port 8920
rdr on $ext_zero proto udp from any to $ext_zero port 1900 -> port 1900
rdr on $ext_zero proto udp from any to $ext_zero port 7359 -> port 7359

The system is FreeBSD, the jails are roughly equivalent to a docker compose install.

Jellyfin is set to accept remote connections, with the whitelist left blank as per their instructions to allow all addresses. Why will ssh connect but not jellyfin?>>

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