Aren't some parts of Outre-Mer France part of the EU, despite being located in the Carribean and South America?
Canada very much has Russia breathing down its neck.
Look at a globe focused on the North Pole, and you will see that Russia, Canada, and Scandanavia all basically form a ring framing the Arctic ocean. Russia asserting itself in the Arctic is a major issue for us, and the situation could very well deteriorate as climate change intensifies.
As far as I understand, the vast majority of the agreement is already fully in effect, with a few loose ends still tied up in EU member states' legislatures.
Canadian businesses have just never really had a good reason to take advantage of the new trade rules until recently. Canadians might start noticing an increase in EU products range and availability over the next while.
Technically, it is not a done deal, but practically speaking, it is. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I wonder if he's tried saying 'thank you' to Putin?
24 hours. But he was talking about 24hours from the perspective of Pluto, our cherished 9th planet.
Non-tarrif counter measures are a thing. And you can really be as creative as you want there.
Do what the Chinese do and introduce a law where 51% of a foreign multinational must be locally owned and operated.
Force the break-up of large corps through anti-trust action.
Minimum pricing rules on posts and / or account creation.
Prohibitions of phones in schools.
Updated data protection laws banning the collection and sale of personal data and applying copyright law protections. Allow individuals to sell their data if they choose to.
Introduce laws that categorize 'trending' and algorithmic manipulation as 'editorialising' and regulate the behaviour as you would any other media.
I feel like there's about to be overlap. Whatever he says, that's their opinion.
Turns out the particular president in question was, in fact, the height of American Conservative sophistication!
Love you. Mwaaaaah! 😘
America is basically just a Europe expansion pack.