
joined 1 year ago

ceasefire has been in place for four years at this point. many syrians went to lebanon as refugees, estimates place them at something close to 1.5M. maybe some of them are going back

if that was mixed with fuel, sure (15kt) but on its own should be a bit less (6.5kt)

[–] 30 points 3 days ago (9 children)

“This is a ship that nobody wants, but that nobody can get rid of.”

20,000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate

i see something resembling a solution, right there

even if it was quenched the right way: downtime, helium, restarting the entire thing would also cost pretty penny, and maybe replacement of damaged magnet too if that's what they did

you have no idea how fucked up middle eastern politics can get. first split by sunni/shia/other religions, then allegiance to syria/iran/israel/iraq/egypt/selection of gulf states, and sometimes by tribe/clan allegiance too just to keep things from getting too easy. then try to make a government out of like 15 parties all with divergent goals funding and incentives

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

i'll make it shorter for you if you don't have attention span for a paragraph of text:

pagers are probably a war crime, but it's relatively minor compared to airstrikes that happened since (and before)

pagers thing is probably illegal pending extra details but it's not the worst thing that happenes there. not like this case will see hague ever so it's probably a bit moot on that ground

it's middle east, there are no innocent orgs, except civilians, and no one has actual incentive to limit civilian casualties. i'd just wish that both likud and hamas lose because neither is compatible with remotely sane stable politics in region

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (5 children)

well it's gotta be more about how every lebanese govt since 2006 refused to implement UNSC resolution 1701 (that one about disarming hezbollah) and how it turned out for them

that's how everyone does this for two years at this point, yes

slightly more refined version is crush switch, that is two thin metal shells in front part of missile. when it hits the target one deforms and makes a contact with the other one. used by, for example, french HOT-2 missile but probably many others considering how simple it is

[–] 16 points 3 days ago (7 children)

you're mixing up hamas and hezbollah, and if you want to go into rabbit hole shitshow that is lebanese politics start with Taif agreement

[–] 0 points 3 days ago (7 children)

both in absolute terms and especially compared to continuing airstrikes, some with ai-cooked target list and including actual warcrime tactics, pagers were basically spotless in terms of targeting. the more likely illegal part was in booby-trapping pagers in the first place. westpoint lawyer take on the situation

she was stealing from cryptobros which is pretty funny and morally neutral, because cryptobros don't deserve having money

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