Never played it, just the SNES one. I liked it and am curious so maybe I'll check it out on emulation or something.
Retail can be draining but you can also meet some really nice people as well. My experience was fairly innocuous and I wouldn't mind doing it again.
Country is fine. City too.
I opened the community in the browser, since I use Connect, just in case but I forgot your Lemmy account also has its own block list. And indeed I had it blocked. Hence why I didn't recall it.
I was like huh, that's one I haven't seen before. Visit the community and it's empty.
~~Looks like community promo needs a community promo on community promo cause community promo has no communities promoed.~~
She's a ~~testament~~ that not all Karen's are bad.
I would take you at your word but since I read it on the internet...
On a more serious note, I didn't expect so many serious replies given the community. But I did decide to look it up and yeah, apparently it may turn your pudding black. And yes, I knew it's not a real product. For now.
I think it's appropriate for me to say this given the place: prove it. Surely there would be no repercussions were you to provide the evidence. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding.
Completely unrealistic. Why I ask, would your poop not be pink?
And how do you know the mysterious illness is simply not giving staves sentience?
In all seriousness, I have a few tags that I mainly stick with and didn't actually tag you. I think the only custom tag I have is for the Connect dev and that's because I'm too lazy to remember even one handle and I don't want to confuse other people with similar names.
Why not both? Who doesn't love a complete slut.