Monitization isn't a 'hard requirement', just a very icing on the cake. The content is really for others' enjoyment. I don't need to be recording said content. I was asked by someone, "Do you record/stream this? People would be interested in watching!" and at that point I wasn't recording but I decided to start. I'm currently just hovering around 123 interested individuals and/or botnet operators following me. Monitization doesn't have to be through the video being viewed on said hosted platform, any donations into my wallet address or PayPal address (which I'm trying to figure out how to set up to receive funds while not doxing me)
@Widdfam EP. #8 pt. 2 with @serpenteyesdub with me swinging meteor hammers to it. I put out a new mix every day! None of the music is mine but my friends'.
Me spinning glow sticks to a homie's mix. I'm about to stream the 2nd half of it later tonight.
But what about Apple?!?! Can't they strong arm this?
So what it boils down is companies are going to try to cut off their user base if they don't view ads? People will complain they can't view their page and cancel their subscription? Nobody's going to willingly install a browser that won't let you install an adblocker, right?
Can someone explain how the server is going to know whether or not the client browser is showing the ad? A stealthy browser would say, "hey yeah send that ad so I can render it to the user" and the server says, "yeah ok" and then . How is the server going to know whether the ad is displayed or not? Don't current gen adblockers not even retrieve the asset? If the asset was retrieved but not displayed, how (if even) can this be monitored?
Indeed, I'm a broke wook looking to get paid. The getting paid aspect isn't a hard requirement but I would like that option, /if it's available/. The primary concern is archiving old content. I can work on monetization through live streaming or other means. As it stands I can either let content become dust blown in the wind or it can be archived somewhere. Twitch highlights (as of now) seem to last forever, I guess I can always make a highlight starting at t=+00:10 and ending at t=-00:10 but IDK if I'll eventually get an email from twitch saying that I'm "using too much storage".