Thanks for this, I didn't know people thought that nuclear-proof meant that it could literally take a nuke. I certainly hope people haven't been thinking that a MOPP suit will make one a super soldier impervious to nukes or anything considered a chemical (which could be interpreted as all matter).
If the set of sets is not a set then why did you just define it as a set? Checkmate.
Your probably right.
Thanks to the use of markup language in our comments we're ~~all~~ ^coding^ ~anytime~ we comment.
He says this because he kind of ignorantly (his own wordage) wrote in machine code for quite some time before realizing assembly was a thing. So for Linus inline assembly is to machine code as python is to c for a lot of us.
It was never exactly a feature, it was to do with how websockets handled new posts. They're movinig away from websockets in 0.18 so it won't be a thing anymore.
Be brave; live life on the edge like our OSes used to.
That's the thing with sites that run on user generated (and moderated) content, there's positive growth/decline feedback. More users -> more content -> more users, and on the flipside fewer users -> less content -> fewer users.
I'm not sure, client.js has entries for displaying and interacting with the 'more' button; it just hasn't been doing anything.
Oddly enough, I think it was just fixed for comments but still not on posts. Probably something in showMoreButton, though from what I see of it everything looks normal.
Three dots doesn't work for us on 😅
Oddly reminiscent of this. I just wish we got a chance for Bernie.