a shifter on the ceiling
I still can’t get over the design, engineering, and basic reasoning failures that must have gone into the decision to put supposedly the main way to change gears on the same type of mount that secures your rear-view mirror; a notably inconvenient and fragile place to put anything (and just like a rear-view mirror that got fucked with too intensely, a bunch of these shifters have already detached)
I am a firm realist. There are two sides: the anti-corpo leftists of Blade II, and the hyper “where do we sign” neo liberals of Battlefield Earth.
Blade II Leftists are sure nighttime is literally just yellow color grading except when it’s blue or they forget to do it at all, and the neo liberals are sure that you tilt the camera and the more you tilt the camera the better the movie is.
The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. John Travolta literally cannot evaporate, and he is also probably struggling to improve his filmmaking. He will probably find ways to do both fucked up color grading and what he thinks are Dutch angles, but in a more subtle way.
And then Del Toro will probably send him a box of shit or live bees for Christmas.