
joined 6 months ago
[–] 117 points 1 week ago (1 children)

or... is it?

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The graphene install docs is in your language and will walk you through the install process. Their support page points you to discord, telegram, matrix support channels as well.

As a general rule anyone that asks for a non-proprietary thing that will do everything their proprietary thing does without alternative solutions allowed is so far from the reality of non-proprietary software in a proprietary world that they can not be made happy so I'll leave the support of that to others.

Tiggy (

We had to put him to sleep today due to cancer. He had quit eating and drinking so we had a vet come to the house to provide the service. He's resting in the back by the woods now. I'm really going to miss him.


[–] 10 points 4 weeks ago

Like anything else, can be, depending on your needs.

[–] 33 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's not Voyager's fault, Lemmy has always promoted dead and abandoned communties as "trending". The grouping is useless and can always be safely ignored.

On desktop, I use an ad blocker to hide the div.

[–] 25 points 1 month ago

Why wasn't "not go" an option?

[–] 39 points 1 month ago

It's reddit, you get what you get. That's why the majority of us stopped using it.

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I disagree but we'll revisit the conversation in a decade as I added the task to my calendar so I'll talk to you in 2034.


This has always interested me, on an explorer's level, the ruins of the plants have always really stuck in my mind. Growing up, it was always spoken of in the context of "US automakers couldn't keep up with changing trends and they just lost it all" but that's not true at all. Almost all of the companies involved with these types of abandonments are doing great, in fact, better than ever. When things really did get dire for US automakers during the recession around 2009, the goverment simply bailed them out with tax dollars.

An excerpt from the video: "It's the excess of Capitalism. In some ways, people thought this was the failure of Capitalism but we could also see it as the success of Capitalism. The automobile industries got away like bandits. They got out of there, they took the money and left. They left the mess, they left a working class and a deteriorating environment for someone else to clean up."

As an older person now, I wonder how many more of these export moves can occur in industries before the people expected to buy the imported product can no longer afford to.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I read the synopsis of the book(thanks for the link). I can see where a book like this wouldn't be appropriate for a 10yo but an entire school system ban seems an overreach.

It would be nice to ensure that as a parent, I was the one introducing topics to my child but having raised her already, I realize that unless I kept her at home her entire childhood, that's a pipe dream. I would have been ok with that book being at her school and if she had read it, she most likely would have talked to me about it as we had many candid conversations on sexuality, relationships and other topics that she came to be aware of via the internet, media or friends.

[–] 15 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I'm very curious about what content in a Judy Blume book met the “pornographic or indecent material" burden mentioned in the article.

Other states hoping to finally be able to become a completely Christian-run entity will be taking notes.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Can I ask why you can't let them talk their nonsense? I know you don't think you can change them so if you choose to hang out with them, why can't you just let them be them? I'm not telling you that you should hang out with them, just that joining in on their discussion is a zero sum game.

I chose not to interact with family any longer and haven't spoken to any of them in years. Not out of anger or spite but simply because none of us were getting anything positive from the relationship.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The senators were not the ones that exposed anything.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

The John Doe profiles were set up in April as generic 24-year-old males

Does the fact that they only used dummy male accounts and didn't bother to find out what women are subjected to represent the authors' own misogyny? Perhaps The Guardian should look at cleaning it's own house up before finding dirt on others'.


Hi there folks,

While trying to learn about communism, I'm having problems finding literature that provides and example life under Communism. What I do find is propaganda either against or for it, involving unrealistic and bombastic content that is clearly not rooted in reality.

I'm not looking for historical content because I'm just trying to figure out what a life that the group is striving for would be like.

Thanks for your time!

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