
joined 9 months ago
[–] 9 points 5 months ago (1 children)

other meat substitutes

Tofu is not a meat substitute. Tofu is just tofu, unless someone specifically picks it as a substitute for meat and sticks to it, in which case I guess it's their personal substitute for meat.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

Me too. I would've probably used Google Play Music to the end of my days but the transition to Youtube Music was so good awful I cancelled and switched to Spotify within a couple of days.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Who needed confirmation they're not imagining it? I can see it with my own eyes every single day.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Good point, time consumed by cooking has value in itself.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago (2 children)

And compared to dinner?

I'm asking because if I was "strapped for cash" I'd always go for cooking something rice or potato based myself, rather than buying already processed and packaged food, a most likely overpriced brand no less!

[–] 45 points 7 months ago (23 children)

for cash-strapped families

Is Kellogg's cereal even cheap at all?? I'm not in the US so I could only imagine but I'd guess it's not, is it?

[–] 48 points 7 months ago (9 children)

It's a valid criticism, I'm just wondering where 90% of those folks criticizing were the last 10 years, when it would have also been a valid criticism against her, but only a select group of people called it out and I recall precisely zero memes on this specific topic. Curious, that this has only become a mainstream meme now that there is a defamation campaign actively being conducted against her by right wing media.

[–] 8 points 7 months ago

Bees can do whatever the fuck they want, they are not merely there for our desire to get plants pollinated. They just like to do it.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)


Überspitzt: ein Münchner, der für die letzte Meile in Berlin sein Fahrrad einmal quer durch Deutschland transportiert.

Meinetwegen als Option sicher nicht verkehrt, aber wir sprechen doch hier vom Deutschlandticket, oder? Also nix München Berlin, sondern von zuhause zur Arbeit. Ich hätte da weder Bock noch Geld jeden Tag 2x ein Leihrad zu mieten um vom Bahnhof zur Arbeit und zurück zu kommen. Worst case 4x weil ich Zuhause<>Bahnhof auch noch eins brauchen könnte. Oder Tagesausflug ins Grüne, da können gar nicht überall weit draußen Leihräder rumstehen und ich würde bei einer Radtour definitiv mein eigenes fahren wollen als ein klapperndes Leihrad. Das Leihrad sehe ich eher als Teil des Citytickets in einem Fernverkehrsticket, oder für andere einmalige Trips, da aber um so valider.

[–] 29 points 7 months ago (4 children)

That's even better than all cars being EVs.

Rare W

[–] 5 points 7 months ago

Damn I could've sworn I've studied that for 6 years and am an actual mechanical engineer! To be fair I'm not working in automotive anymore but I have trained as an automotive mechatronic before majoring ME.

I'm also wondering what calculations I'm supposed to doubt here, it's literally a rumoured engine, no specs other than a displacement that could(!) be 8.3L, no emission data, to performance data. I'm just calling out that author's claim that they made it bigger so it has less emissions. It's obvious marketing bullshit he's parroting. They were forced to, among other things, reduce compression due to emission laws and the resulting engine is inevitably less efficient, so they (could!) made it bigger to negate the efficiency losses and still be able to have a new model with more horsepower than the last one, despite having a less efficient ICE, obviously at the cost of fuel economy and all other emissions but nitrogen oxides. Not that it matters to their customers but that's what it is, and only a marketing department could come up and twist this into something positive they have thought of to tackle emissions. And stop it with this engineers' calculations bs, this shit isn't even technical. NOx formation is far more complicated than just being a function of compression, it's affected by how hot a mixture burns, determined by how gradual and geometrically even the combustion takes place and how much volume of the chamber is utilised or whether it concentrated to a specific region. Cylinder head geometry and injector design and actuation play just as big a role as compression (which really is a beneficial side effect to modern injector design that lead to a more efficient combustion.) They could've just reverted all that lean-burn technology (obviously not lean-burn for a Diesel but it's the same philosophy) and sold the car with slightly less NOx emissions, but that's not what this is about. It's about marketing not being happy about an engine with less horsepower, so they let them build it with more displacement and made up a story of how they made it bigger so it could emit less NOx. They know dense people will buy that.

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