
joined 4 years ago
Gnome shell mobile !! (www.linuxadictos.com)

Someone already test it ? Or have information on this OS?

Forum for void ? (www.reddit.com)

Last time I see someone asking for a forum on reddit,

A DEV say ''please don't do that''

What do you think?

Actualy active place is :

  • IRC
  • Telegram
  • reddit

Hey I would try wayland with hikari but I don't really understand how work wayland, void_Doc is light , I also find this but is for weston..

I have installed wayland + hikari + seatd


minimalistic xmobar inspired status bar, in a terminal emulator.


Dependency :

  • POSIX-compliant shell: printf, set, unset, shift, test, while, continue, break, return, case, trap, getopts
  • stty
  • tr
  • dd
  • cat

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