
joined 6 months ago
[–] rimu@piefed.social 2 points 4 days ago

A solid choice. I've been using it daily ( codeberg.org ) for the last year and it's pretty great!

The code review features are not as awesome as github but you won't need those.

[–] rimu@piefed.social -3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

They explicitly said this wasn't the solution for everyone 😊


Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick Jones, and their youngest son, Woody. Living on a 1/4-acre section in a small Australian town, Meg and Patrick have designed their property using permaculture principals.

They grow most of their own food, don't own cars and ride their bikes instead, use very little electricity, and forage food and materials from their local forest.

[–] rimu@piefed.social 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Now we have BBC printing stuff like this:

“It’s going to be like Mad Max.” “There will be no humanity. There will be no charity. There will be no fairness...


[–] rimu@piefed.social 11 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I fondly remember the days when rising sea levels, "sometime in 2100 or whenever" was the main climate-related thing. That was nice. Back then, the idea of tipping points was the realm of wild-eyed doomers that no one took seriously. Heat domes? Wildfires? Ocean death? Mass migration? Just science fiction.

Ahh, good times.

[–] rimu@piefed.social 28 points 1 week ago (2 children)

He's a Kremlin asset, no doubt about it.

[–] rimu@piefed.social 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I don't think trac has any kind of kanban UI to it, btw. They might have added it by now, it's been years since I used it.


£9bn due to not having built more cheap onshore wind, £5bn due to poorly insulated homes, £5bn due to low solar deployment, £3bn because new homes were built less efficient.

[–] rimu@piefed.social 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (10 children)

It depends what you were using Jira for - it has a lot of features, most of which you were probably not using.

Trac has a wiki, tickets and git all in one - https://trac.edgewall.org

NextCloud has a plugin called 'Tasks' which looks similar to Trello.

Forgejo is similar to github - https://forgejo.org/

[–] rimu@piefed.social 31 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Maybe they like to exercise power over others. Sociopaths like to hurt people.


A Swiss court has handed jail sentences to four members of Britain’s richest family for exploiting Indian staff at their Geneva mansion.

The Hindujas, who were not present in court, were acquitted of human trafficking but convicted of other charges on Friday in a stunning verdict for the family, whose fortune is estimated at £37bn.

Prakash Hinduja and his wife, Kamal, were each sentenced to four years and six months in prison, and their son Ajay and his wife, Namrata, received four-year terms.


See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMnNosUBBWM by a guy who actually did the tutorial properly and has a more productive time of things

[–] rimu@piefed.social 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Well, yes, but the individuals involved are not the main point here. The point is the earth is getting hotter really quickly and humanity needs to pull it's head out of its ass and stop causing it.

As this trend continues we're going to see more and more situations where previously safe choices have suddenly become unsafe and situations where there are no safe choices. Focussing on individual "bad choices" by people in developing countries is, sorry, idiotic and tragic.

Climate change will eventually affect you or someone you care about and when it does there will be some dufus on the internet going "duh, shouldn't have bought a house in tornado alley" or "don't drive through floodwaters, fool" as if it was your fault. Maybe then you'll remember this post but probably not.

[–] rimu@piefed.social 17 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

I'm really curious about the workflow you have that needs that many tabs. How does the History and Bookmark functions fall short of what you need?

[–] rimu@piefed.social 7 points 2 weeks ago

Some gentle pressure applied here might change that https://codeberg.org/swiso/website/issues/255

[–] rimu@piefed.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I think it's that one. Does Discover pull it's content from flathub.org?

It says "by Signal Foundation" on it and 900,000 people have installed it so it seems good enough to me.


A great resource that makes it quick and easy to find alternatives to Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe and many more.


On 28 April 2022, Just Stop Oil supporters blocked the entrances to Clacket Lane Services on the M25 by sitting in the road with Just Stop Oil banners. They also decommissioned the petrol pumps by breaking the display glass and covering it with spray paint. This action was taken in support of their demand for the UK government to end all new oil and gas projects in the country.

In a unanimous verdict delivered today by a jury at Guildford Crown Court, Just Stop Oil supporters Nathan McGovern, Rosa Sharkey, and Louis Hawkins were found not guilty of causing criminal damage.

Any jury may consider that the law itself is unjust. It is an important principle and indicates public opposition to aspects of law, in this case, the 'lawful' behaviour of fossil fuel corporations.


An amazing combination of strategic commentary, drone footage and helmet cam footage.


Our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's [when their gender is hidden]. However, when a woman's gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless.


The evolution of software development over the past decade has been very frustrating. Little of it seems to makes sense, even to those of us who are right in the middle of it. My theory is fairly straightforward:

The long-term popularity of any given tool for software development is proportional to how much labour arbitrage it enables.

The more effective it is at enabling labour arbitrage, the more funding and adoption it gets from management.


Fediverse traffic is pretty bursty and sometimes there will be a large backlog of Activities to send to your server, each of which involves a POST. This can hammer your instance and overwhelm the backend’s ability to keep up. Nginx provides a rate-limiting function which can accept POSTs at full speed and proxy them slowly through to your backend at whatever rate you specify.


Am I worried for my families’ safety living in the Global South during this expected record-breaking hot season in 2024? You bet I am. But what worries me even more, is the millions of people living in tin shacks across this amazing region – whether in worker camps, slums, refugee camps, etc… How are they supposed to survive these heat extremes?


Astronomers have used the James Webb and Hubble space telescopes to confirm one of the most troubling conundrums in all of physics — that the universe appears to be expanding at bafflingly different speeds depending on where we look.

This problem, known as the Hubble Tension, has the potential to alter or even upend cosmology altogether. In 2019, measurements by the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the puzzle was real; in 2023, even more precise measurements from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) cemented the discrepancy.

Now, a triple-check by both telescopes working together appears to have put the possibility of any measurement error to bed for good. The study, published February 6 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, suggests that there may be something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe.

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