
joined 4 years ago
[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

By my own experience I would say it's necessary and should be legally mandated as long as this fucked up Calvinist society and the majority of private businesses which gatekeep the ability to pay for housing maintain their bigoted stigma against destitute people.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (3 children)

If you’re looking for a job and they ask for an address, I find it hard to believe that shelters are set up to work as a “home address” so how the fuck you’d be able to apply for a job if you can’t find a way to piggy back on somebody’s PO Box and their home address for applications.

I've been there personally. I was advised by two separate people involved in state vocational programs and the shelter staff themselves to not use the shelter's street address on job applications, if it's avoidable.

Considering the potential "one shot" you get at most of these fucking employers/companies with the unaccountable Gestapo bullshit their human resources departments are known for, and not knowing whether they retain applications for future reference if someone applies multiple times, I decided to spend some of my dwindling money on a PO box. And even then I was questioned at two different interviews about it, not too invasively but enough to further fray my nerves in an already precarious situation I was desperate to get out of.

I couldn't even get a fucking library card when using a shelter's street address without being questioned about it.

[–] 25 points 11 months ago

That entire post reeks of Langley holy fuck.

I'm comforted by reasonable suspicion that for posts like that, with the perfect English, drawing the ludicrous comparison to Jewish people to light up the outrage neurons, and all the fucking JAQing off and sealioning bullshit almost guarantees you could trace that user back to an IP in the US.

I've seen that prose, childish storytelling with the loaded questions, and "how do you do, fellow Freedom™ lovers" angle so many times on that shithole site since at least the Hong Kong fiasco in 2019. It's just too obvious any more.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

Yeah I think the SESTA and FOSTA shit went down the same way, written up by the usual clueless skeletons in DC and only ended up pissing off a fuckton of internet users while accomplishing nothing. I'm not in the targeted demographic for this latest turn of the surveillance vice but I hope for you and everyone affected that it gets shot down in flames.

btw you need to edit your links, the target URL for all of them is currently the post itself.

[–] 28 points 1 year ago

He's a snide liberal shithead and always has been. Back in 2018 or so when /r/breadtube was new, I remember the lost libs and socdem types there showering his name in praise because they believed he "moved people left" or some other delusional nonsense (to them it was 'moving left' just with Ronald Reagan as the starting point I think). They thought he was some kind of leftist because he shot down a few actual right-wingers in debates, a very low bar to clear for even a liberal centrist.

Then I watched his debates with Luna Oi and a separate one with some left-aligned guy whose name I forgot and he showed his whole pro-capitalist ass. The chat stream from his followers was no better. Probably half of them were regulars on /pol/ and had browser tabs open to that shithole, judging by the endless racist and edgelord remarks I was able to read as they flew by.

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, and his followers too.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago

Parenti_quote dot png

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Demonstrating how fucking arbitrary and excessive rent extortions are by this piece of shit landlord doing without the monthly $800 or whatever, it's also the most debasing and demeaning way to pay that demand.

This is coercive sex/rape and the landlord belongs in an unmarked grave.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thousands of overwhelmingly liberal redditors coming to or one of the other high visible instances since reddit's API changes announcement in June. They've brought their insufferable Western chauvinism with them and have been "shitting in the pool" of all politics/news discussions.

[–] 1 points 4 years ago

Great site, thanks for the share op. Reminds me of planetemu and has a nice simple late 90s aesthetic that I wish was still popular.