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[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Amazing present for insert your own name here

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Based on scientific evidence, animal products are not necessarily unhealthy for individual humans. As far as I know at least, the coronary deseases you've mentioned are mainly caused by red meat and saturated fats.

Even though an average vegan diet is healthier than an average omnivore diet, you can eat perfectly healthy as an omnivore. Likewise, you can live of only junkfood as a vegan.

Veganism from my perspective should be about stopping animal abuse and protecting the planet. If humanity keeps going as is, climate change will be what will lead to insane suffering to both animals and humans. Veganism is a key part to lower the impact of what's ahead of us.

Despite the importance of the topic, we should stick to the facts. Comparing every non-vegan diet to drinking anti-freeze is absolutely ridiculous.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 week ago (12 children)

societal pressures and the difficulty in finding variety

Are there specific things you've missed? And are you more referring to cook yourself or eating out?

Sometimes, it's just a lack of experience. Obviously, 'all vegan food in the world' is less variety on paper than 'all food in the world' but in my personal diet the variety of stuff I eat dramatically increased compared to the non-vegan past.

In arts there's the concept of creative limitation and from my perspective that is 100% applicable to food. Restricting yourself to plant based fosters your creativity to break with traditional recipes, try new combinations, replace X with Y or Z. I feel like I barely eat the same thing twice anymore.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah, seems like I was too naive here...

Most horsehair comes from slaughtered horses. Hair for bows comes from tails of horses in cold climates, and is sorted by size. It comes primarily from stallions and costs $150–$400 per pound because of the sorting needed to extract long hairs. Mongolia produces 900 tons of horsehair per year.


I didn't mean to justify horsehair products but seriously thought that you wouldn't need much of it to produce a couple of violin bows and that it sure won't hurt the horses. But man... 900 fucking tons and - as you predicted - horses are mostly killed.

And apparantly there's also a practice to pull out the hair and whiskers rather then cutting it off. And this is apparantly not even done to get the hair but to improve the horse's look.


[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 week ago

It was just a question and not meant to be a criticism of you(r post). I understood 'the worst for animal products' as 'horsehair is the most terrible animal product from a vegan point of view' (at least in comparison with other things in this list). I am not a musician and never knowingly saw a product with horse hair. I was just wondering if there's something about that that I didn't consider.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz -1 points 1 week ago (4 children)
  1. The violin industry is the worst [...] use bows with horsehair. [...] genuine leather straps. [...] ivory [...] goat skin

How comes that horse hair is considered worse than skin and ivory? I would say removing a couple of hairs should be completely painless to a horse. Meanwhile, skinning requires killing of the animal. The removal of the tusks is at least very painful and sometimes also deadly for elephants.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm sure a decent amount of people would still vote for him despite him being in jail. If there's box for him on the ballot, they'd probably even vote him after he died.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Not so sure about that. Like populism in politics, religion gives you simple answers and justifications for complex situations and easily comprehensible explanations for complex phenomenoms.

In a world that is getting harder and harder to grasp, people get lost in the big picture. Things like globalization, climate change, foreign affairs, our financial system etc. are all hard to understand for a big chunk if not the entirety of the population.

Dictators, monarchs as well as religion all provide easy guidance: Do X. Don't do Y. You are the good guys, people who are/do/think Z are the baddies.

No individual thinking required. No boring facts, no discussions, just faith/loyalty/patriotism that counters every argument and allows you to feel superior and put the blame on someone else.

I think in situations of high social inequality or disruptive events (war, famine, financial crisis, pandamic), there will always be a high demand for religion and political extemism.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Is there a credible source for the costs of hosting? Wikipedia is listing similar ad revenues as you did but no info on the costs. YouTube has 2.7 billion users that watch in average around 11 hours of videos a month. If 2 billion USD/y would be sufficient to host all that that'd be just 0,74 USD/user*year or 0,06 USD per month. That sounds really cheap considering that you have to pay for storage, traffic, backups and redundancies (at least I never heard of significant outages or data loss on YT).

Does anyone have a credible source on the number of employees YouTube has? If you search for that you fine vastly different number from just 2k to 189k employees.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 19 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

TBH I'm not sure if a platform like YouTube will ever exist in a non-commercial way. Many creators that I follow reached a level of professionalism that comes with significant costs. You need expensive cameras, microphones, lights, high-end computers, drones, personnel costs for cutters and people that help with research. They have travel costs, sometimes rent for offices etc. All that just to produce the content.

On top, there are significant costs for hosting. I mean YouTube is hosted on multiple data centers rather than a bunch of servers or even home computers. Already Lemmy, which is mostly text and pictures, is a decent financial burden to instance owners. Not to mention the time for moderation and administration. And even here, in a place full of hardcore FOSS supporters, it's not like admins are drowned in donations.

If YouTube ads and product placements are the only source of income for content creators, then the only alternative would be that consumers directly pay for the content and the platform. Or that such a platform would be paid by some state / taxes. Both of which don't sound very realistic to me.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 30 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I have no clue if there's indeed any proof for such a claim, but the theory that I read elsewhere is that it's a way to obfuscate money flows.

If a foreign nation (Russia, China, North Korea, whoever) would like to engage in the election, they can't just donate to the campaign officially. But instead, they could buy a couple thousands of these coins in smaller transactions.

TBH I'm rather with you. I think the majority of these coins is just bought by some MAGAs. For foreign nations there'd be probably more efficient ways to transfer money like shares etc.

[–] rbn@sopuli.xyz 20 points 1 week ago

I only ever used it for 3D printing but FreeCAD apparantly also has a floor plan functionality. I found this video that might give you some insights on how it looks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMk7pdnEnXM

When using FreeCAD for 3D printing, you don't necessarily have to add measures/constraints to everything, so I'd assume it's similar here.


Hallo zusammen,

als ich eben auf der Seite der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung unterwegs war, bin ich auf die verlinkte Stellenanzeige gestoßen. Das gesuchte Profil fand ich dabei ziemlich verwunderlich:

Momentan suchen wir junge Menschen, die zu den Landtagswahl in Thüringen oder Brandenburg wahlberechtigt sind, am Wahltag nicht älter als 26 Jahre sind und Lust haben in einem dreitägigen Workshop die Thesen für den Wahl-O-Mat zur entwickeln.

Der Wahl-O-Mat ist aus meiner Erfahrung im Bekanntenkreis ein wichtiges Instrument zum Treffen einer Wahlentscheidung. Wenn in der Redaktion dieses öffentlichen Tools jetzt vornehmlich junge Leute sitzen, führt dies nicht automatisch zu einem gewissen Bias? Wäre es nicht wichtig, bei einem Tool, das von verschiedensten Altersgruppen genutzt wird, auch Perspektiven aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft einfließen zu lassen? Bei U26 sind Themen wie Bildung, Klimawandel usw. sicher näher am eigenen Leben als bspw. Rente, Barrierefreiheit oder Immobilienthemen. Werden dann nicht schon unbewusst entsprechende Schwerpunkte auf die eigenen Themenbereiche gesetzt?

Ich bin selbst noch recht jung und würde mich auch politisch als ziemlich links einstufen. Eine überproportional junge Redaktion arbeitet also höchstwahrscheinlich zu meinen Gunsten. So wirklich demokratisch erscheint mir das aber ehrlich gesagt nicht.

Und selbst abgesehen von demokratischen Bedenken, finde ich das auch in Bezug auf das allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Altersdiskriminierung) schwierig.

Wie sehr ihr das? Kennt jemand Hintergründe oder war sogar schon mal in der Redaktion dabei?

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