That's the first counterargument on my mind too.
It's absurd that they send their top executives on away missions. He's a desk officer. He should never hold a gun.
Me too. It's called drafts. First draft, second draft, etc. It's only natural that you will find bugs, think of better ways to say stuff, realize stuff. It's organic and proper.
It's more common than you might think.
I'm only making one simple point. It ain't complicated.
Don't read into it any more than that one point. It ain't complicated.
Consider the ramifications of an argument where both sides haven't a leg to stand on.
That's rather beside my point.
I'm highlighting the common ground between theists and atheists.
And he's the moderator of "atheism". Where's the interest in the subject?
You're a moderator of "atheism" but you don't want to discuss it? Come on.
Very few of us do their own research.
The vast majority cite authority as basis for their opinions.
Authoritarianism is natural and ubiquitous.