
joined 1 year ago

I'm testing, after many recommendations, a mint installation on my Lenovo yoga 720.

I found the settings for touchpad gestures but my question is: how do I bind a keyboard shortcut to a gesture?

I tried a workaround and installed touché, since my understanding was that mint uses touchegg. But that worked only until the first reboot and now seems broken. If possibleI'd prefer to just use whatever is implemented anyway.

So, is there a way to bind a keyboard shortcut to a touchpad gesture?


After convincing my employer to move away from MS office I can finally make the permanent switch away from windows.

I settled on pop_os for now since it supports hybrid Nvidia graphics out of the box and I am a noob.

Two questions:

  1. I used OneDrive, and especially the file on-demand (all files on server visible in explorer but only downloaded when needed) feature a lot. What cloud storage provider has the best Linux integration? I dabbled with NeXtCloUD but the Linux client is not great, especially the file on-demand implementation.

  2. What are best practices for managing apps? The last time I entertained the idea of switching, I ended up with applications installed from the snap store, flatpacks, some appimages, some through apt. It quickly gets confusing for me when I want a specific program but it, f.ex., is only distributed through the snap store. Is there a GUI (I know) way to see all applications, where they're installed from, with an easy remove button? Akin to what windows offers?

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de -2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Können wir uns nicht vielleicht auf wirklich wichtig Themen konzentrieren? Klimakleber, Tempolimit, Migranten, Arbeitstotalverweigerer???! Was interessiert es denn wie China oder Russland Einfluss nehmen wenn die Ampel eh schon alles verbietet, inklusive unser christlich jüdischen Kultur?!?!

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de -2 points 5 months ago

Or maybe it's because nuclear power is ridiculously expensive and new designs are still a black hole in the budget. Wind and solar exist, right now, and are also carbon free, while being cheaper and not leaving the next 100 generations with radioactive waste. For which, by the way, we have but one final storage solution. Or is the facility in Finnland even up and running yet?

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 4 points 6 months ago

Nah bro we'll fix it software. Like virtual backgrounds but for sound bro!

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I mean 2.4mio divided by 30k is 80. So that's a lot of patreon months..

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 2 points 6 months ago

Ich sah, ich kam, ich schmiss meine frisch angezogene Unterhose direkt in die Wäsche.

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 13 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Where do the Jews come into play you nutter?

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 1 points 7 months ago

It's qualifying you for a real idiot problem, that's for sure.

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 1 points 7 months ago

Completely agree, it's basically just botanicals anyway. Well and booze

Non alcoholic beer has gotten a lot better the last years as well.

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 12 points 9 months ago

Pretty much. It's incredibly tiring

[–] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 11 points 9 months ago (1 children)

In a 100 years it might, after our current world order has been consumed by the effects of unimpeded climate change. There's hope yet for the Palestinians to have a go. /s


The recent chat bot advances have pretty much changed my life. I used to get anxiety by receiving mails and IMs, sometimes even from friends. I lost friendships over not replying. My main issue being that I am sometimes get completely stuck in a loop of how to formulate things in the best way to the point of just abandoning the contact. I went to therapy for that and it helped. But the LLM advancements of the recent years have been a game changer.

Now I plop everything into ChatGPT, cleaning out personal information as much as possible, and let the machine write. Often I'll make some adjustments but just having a starting point has changed my life.

So, my answer, I use it all the fucking time.


The recent chat bot advances have pretty much changed my life. I used to get anxiety by receiving mails and IMs, sometimes even from friends. I lost friendships over not replying. My main issue being that I am sometimes get completely stuck in a loop of how to formulate things in the best way.

Now I plop everything into ChatGPT, cleaning out personal information as much as possible and let the machine write. Often I'll make some adjustments but just having a starting point as changed my life.

So, my answer, I use it all the fucking time.

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