
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Does a vote of no confidence mean anything? In American orchestras, musicians have virtually no power.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Last time I distrohopped, this was actually one of my main benchmarks. If I couldn't install Librewolf in under a minute, I picked a different distro.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Honestly, there are probably enough people using ublock with tor browser that you can still retain most of the benefits if you do the same. You'll just be in a smaller cohort than if you didn't.

[–] 36 points 1 month ago (9 children)


[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I was so, so very wrong. And I'm quite happy about it.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

Voting is anonymous. He would have to tell someone how he voted for anyone to know. Unless you mean the primaries, in which case, he'd have to register for the party primary he wanted to vote in ahead of time. Having grown up in PA, I can tell you that it's common practice to change parties depending on which party has the more consequential primary. I've done this myself, multiple times. Maybe he's right wing. Maybe he's left wing. But Lemmy propagandists aren't going to wait to find out.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago

You don't even need to actively use it. Just keep it running in some corner of your house as a tor node.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

First of all, thanks for being on Lemmy. I get nothing out of it when the lefty hivemind argues against a strawman. At least you give us the real thing. Fuck gh0stcassette.

Second of all, Trump only campaigned on a populist platform in 2016. He railed against CEOs, various special interests, and other "swamp creatures" under the premise that he was going to fund his own campaign and didn't need their money. It was honestly kind of refreshing, even if he was ultimately full of shit and failed to deliver. But I haven't heard Trump's 2016 rhetoric in a long time. Not regarding the ruling class. Maybe he still says "drain the swamp" now and then, but many of those who opposed Trump in 2016, e.g. Wall Street, now largely support him, and Trump openly panders to them for their donations. It's not that people in power hate him; it's just the people you don't like in power who hate him.

Vote third party if you hate the elites.

[–] -5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Anyone who disagrees with you isn't a troll. Biden looked how he looked, and moderates/independents don't have the same appetite for copium as you do.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

So February 31st is exactly average?


Edit: TL;DR, a literal can't contain multiple children. The opening bracket that starts the literal must be closed at the end of the literal, with no other yuck appended.

I've been playing with Elkowar's Wacky Widgets in an attempt to replace tint2 on openbox. Specifically, I've been working on a taskbar widget. So far, I've managed to make a few bash scripts to generate all the necessary yuck (and png files) to create a rudimentary icon-only taskbar that updates itself every time _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW changes. I've confirmed that the yuck works when I manually copy/paste the output of the bash script into eww.yuck.

Anyway, I've assigned this script to a deflisten variable called "tasks". When I run "eww state" in a terminal, I confirm that "tasks" is indeed defined (and regularly updated) with yuck that looks like this.

spoiler(box :tooltip Xfce4-terminal (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x120000a 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Xfce4-terminal.png))) (box :tooltip Geany (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0xe00010 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Geany.png))) (box :tooltip Thunar (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x140000d 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Thunar.png)))

(Unrelated, but why doesn't eww recognize "~/" in image filepaths?)

But when I use "tasks" to generate my taskbar widget with a literal, nothing appears, save for a slight overall change in the spacing on my topbar, though this happens inconsistently. Here is the relevent yuck.

spoiler(defwidget task_bar [] (box :orientation "horizontal" :space-evenly true :spacing 2 :halign "start" (literal :content tasks)))

Here's the full tree:

spoiler(defwindow main :class "main" :monitor 0 :geometry (geometry :x "0px" :y "0px" :width "100%" :height "16px" :anchor "top center") :vexpand false :stacking "fg" :windowtype "dock" :wm-ignore true :reserve (struts :distance "16px" :side "top") (topbar))

(defwidget topbar [] (box :orientation "h" :space-evenly false (foo) (task_bar) (bar)))

(deflisten tasks ~/.config/eww/scripts/

(defwidget task_bar [] (box :orientation "horizontal" :space-evenly true :spacing 2 :halign "start" (literal :content tasks)))

I found a possibly related closed issue at but the issue doesn't provide much detail.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: Lemmy does funny things with ` quotes. Click the view source button to see raw text.

Edit2: I booted up my openbox/eww setup this morning and was shocked to find a working task bar when I opened a window... but only the first window. Once I open a second window, my taskbar is blank.

Edit3: Edit2 was my eureka moment. Why would only the first window load? I now have a suspicion that eww literals are treated as parents that can't have more than one child; when I shifted the literal's parent "box" into the bash script, the task bar suddenly worked! The new task_bar defwidget looks like this.

spoiler(defwidget task_bar [] (literal :content tasks))

And "tasks" is now defined as

spoiler(box :orientation "horizontal" :space-evenly true :spacing 2 :halign "start" (box :tooltip Xfce4-terminal (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x120000a 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Xfce4-terminal.png))) (box :tooltip Geany (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0xe00010 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Geany.png))) (box :tooltip Thunar (eventbox :onclick ~/.config/eww/scripts/ 0x140000d 0x120000a (image :image-height 16 :path /home/prunerye/.config/eww/scripts/iconstorage/Thunar.png))) )

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