
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

This fine isn't even punitive. It's just the wages owed plus interest, which is the same as if they'd paid the wages properly the first time.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Keep in mind that the "housing" cost includes either moving to a bigger property, or simply assigning part of your current mortgage costs to your child. If your house is sufficiently large, there won't be any much additional cost here beyond an increase in utility usage.

Similarly, transportation downloads a lot of the cost of a vehicle to your child. Maybe you do need a bigger car, in which case that makes sense. But maybe your car is fine, so the only added expense is gas and maintenance for the extra mileage for children's activities.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

If you're talking about the "Value" booster, your LGS probably won't (and shouldn't) stock those. That's for grandmas to buy at dollar stores and Walmart checkout aisles. It's an absolutely scummy product, but it shouldn't cause SKU issues at your LGS.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

MKM was less bomb-heavy than OTJ, so at least drafts seemed better. I missed the prerelease, so I don't know how swingy it was in limited. I suspect quite a lot anyway - prereleases have always been swingy, and as long as rares are more powerful than commons, more rares in a pack will always make it swingier.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (5 children)

The good:

  • My LGS doesn't have to order 3 different types of boosters and guess how much everyone wants of each. They have run out of draft boosters before, and they're stuck with a bunch of extra boosters from sets that didn't sell so well. This is partially just a reality of running a store, but only having 2 types of boosters with vastly different audiences is better.

The bad:

  • Sometimes there just isn't a pick 1 in your colors in packs 2 and 3 (on Arena). This is especially obvious in MH3 with the colorless theme, but it's also possible in normal sets. I don't know if this is different in arena vs. in paper.

  • Everything costs more. I'm in Canada, so draft prices were going up well before the switch, but this made it even more expensive.

  • Sealed is swingier. With a chance at opening up to 4 rares in a pack, those that do will have more bombs and more powerful cards in general. OTJ was very bomb heavy, so sealed was even more lopsided. This also affects drafts somewhat, but I think that can be fixed with design balancing once they get used to the changes. I don't think sealed can be fixed with card design.

Ultimately, I think this is worse for players and better for businesses and way better for WotC. They can fix most of the problems, but price isn't something they're interested in fixing (and, to be fair, the price of a booster has stayed well below inflation). Unfortunately, this means that some people just can't draft anymore or as often.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's also in the same carcinogen group as electromagnetic fields, aloe vera, nickel, and kimchi. Most of those things you listed are quite dangerous for other reasons, but cancer is not the primary concern with any of them.

IARC group 2B is where substances end up if a study manages to produce cancer at any dose. If you drink 50 cans of diet coke per day (which is the equivalent of the rat study that demonstrated that it's possible for aspartame to cause cancer), then you might get cancer caused by the aspartame you just consumed.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Aspartame is not carcinogenic.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago

CBC didn't offer all the events in previous years. They may have had everything that had Canadian participants, but for the smaller sports, coverage was hit or miss.

[–] 9 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I am the zodiac killer. I am DB Cooper. I shot Tupac. Jimmy Hoffa is buried in my backyard.

Come get me.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (7 children)

I have a friend on ozempic (for diabetes). It really seems like it's impossible for him to just use it to continue his excessive eating habits, because it suppresses his appetite and he just doesn't eat much anymore. He still eats garbage, but much less.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

According to the article, 25% lead to convictions. I don't know if there's an appropriate quantity of strip searches greater than zero, but if it's going to happen, this actually seems like a pretty good result.

I guess the questions to ask here are: could these arrests be made without a strip search (e.g. would a frisk have been sufficient)? If not, could the strip searches be done by an adult of the same gender and also in the presence of their parent or guardian?

There's definitely a lot that is bad about this, but if 25% of strip searches result in conviction, there's clearly another problem here that needs to be addressed.

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