
joined 9 months ago

I either do these two things:

  1. I usually go to the gym at middle of the day, and do not dry my hair. Just let it dry while walking to work

  2. When I shower at home I fully dry my hair but use this time to read an article on the phone, or watch a video, listen to a podcast. In this way, drying my hair is not a nuisance


Hi !

Just to go straight to the point, my doctor is thinking of trying Strattera in me, since it was recently made available as a generic and I tend to have prevailing side effects with stimulant medication (ritalin, Rubifen, elvanse).

I have some questions that would like to hear from people that are/were on this medication to share:

  1. I understand this is non-stimulating and seems to work akin to an antidepressant. Therefore, do I have to take it every day? Even on days I do not need ? With stimulant medication I only take it when doing theoretical work, and skip it when on the laboratory or other minor tasks and would never take it in days I'm not working, because I can't just interact with people and gives me a baseline anxiety the whole day.

  2. What benefits did it gave you ?

  3. Any prevailing side effects?

  4. How does it compare with stimulant medication (after taking it for some weeks)?

For a bit of context:

I've been diagnosed for about 6 years now, and started with Ritalin XR. However, I could only keep using it for some months since it gave seriously side effects that persisted 3-5 months after stopping it. I later switched to Ritalin IR, which worked for some time and gave me less side effects. But it started to be ineffective after some months.

Then my doctor tried Elvanse (Vyvanse), it worked on keeping me focused, but the anxiety and the huge time frame of action of the drug led to me only taking it once or twice a week.

I'm now back on Ritalin IR, but always feel the anxiety and aversion to interact with people that I always feel with these 3 stimulants.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You could try

  • Liftosaur for exercise routines (it has script language even) and can also track body measurements.

  • waistline as a substitute for myfitnesspal or cronometer

  • Nomie for tracking habits, mood, activities and many more

All these apps are FOSS

Thank you, glad to help!

Yeah that's what I was doing before but in a more streamlined way. Wallabag has an integration with KoReader (which I have installed in my Kobo). So I saved articles in my browser or phone and then pulled them from Wallabag directly in the Kobo.

I hope the dev of Omnivore eventually implements this. He is very responsive and fast implementing features

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Strange, try these links maybe:

Let me know if any of those are working. You could also search for daily nomie in your preferred search engine. The developer of this maintained version is

[–] 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (5 children)

I use a variety of FOSS tools for both personal and work productivity.

For personal I use:

  • Nextcloud (Calendar, sync files, contacts etc, forms, availability sharing)
  • Thunderbird (Mail & Calendar)
  • Vikunja for managing all my projects/tasks. Also is very useful to have shared tasks with relatives. Another useful feature is that it can share specifics projects to people that do not have an account (for vacancy planning for example)
  • to manage Vikunja tasks in Android
  • Logseq for managing all my thoughts, ideas, tracking content like books, movies, videos watched
  • Nomie (specifically this maintained instance which has some new features). I use it to track myself (mood, anxiety, adhd, symptoms, food and drug consumption, people). It has an API so I for example can automatically insert activities from Garmin API. It is very useful to correlate things in life, or to tell the doctor if a specific symptom has flared up or not and many more things
  • Omnivore is my read-later off choice app, replacing Wallabag. It has an EXTREMELY polished interface, can aggregate RSS feeds, supports tags, comments, many filters and more. But the amazing thing is that it has a plugin for Logseq which automatically syncs all my highlights, notes and tags to it
  • Ferdium to quickly access all my important services
  • Syncthing on my phone, laptops and Kobo to sync Logseq between devices and books/articles from my PC to Kobo
  • Liftosaur for exercise routines (it has script language even) and can also track body measurements.
  • waistline as a substitute for myfitnesspal or cronometer

For work use:

  • Logseq is my main tool, with the capability of connecting to Zotero, reading papers and taking notes which with queries I can leverage it to see new ideas forming. It also acts as the best logbook I've ever used through its powerful templates and queries which simplifies a lot the work of comparing results since it can all be done automatically
  • Zotero to manage all my papers
  • neovim with vimtex, ltex-ls and ultisnips to write documents in LaTeX very fast. Also have some scripts to manage vector graphics very easily using
  • Ranger file manager
  • Espanso

Update 1: Fixed Nomie link Update 2: added waistline and liftosaur since I had forgotten

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)


The feature I like the most in Lollypop is the party mode. It lets the user select various music genres from your library and it plays songs that match the selected options

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Do you know if this is possible in Onyx line of ereaders ?

[–] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I sync all my notes on Logseq using syncthing between 2 PCs and a phone. Working reliable for 7 months now