
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Are kernel maintainers not unpaid volunteers?

Yeah I had convinced myself that I would only do it for a year and be able to retire much much sooner.

[–] 72 points 9 months ago (7 children)

I once applied for a "database admin" job at one of the big credit card companies. The job description was basically "run all our Oracle databases" and the salary was in the mid 2 millions USD, but I assumed that figure was typo'ed or something ( an extra 0 maybe?)

In the interview I learned that there was no typo and it was to be one of the seven people on the planet that run the databases for this credit card processor. They said "if the database goes down then we are losing billions of dollars a minute".

Anyways I didn't get the job, but they're not all underpaid.

My business daddy pays for my Apple machine and it's great for ssh-ing into various cloud-based Linux boxes.

[–] 65 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I used to work for a startup that laid claim to all "ideas" that I had, in or out of working hours, during my period of employment with them.

Correct. Plywood gets a lot of strength from the alternating grain directions in each layer and the core plys aren't always the same species as the veneer/face plys.

The grain pattern looks like veneer instead of solid wood.

[–] 16 points 9 months ago (9 children)

Black walnut top, purpleheart legs, and maybe a maple plywood drawer front?

Looks like the side of the casing might also be the same hardwood plywood, just stained much darker?

This article is worth reading if only for this line:

However, though drug companies have had some success targeting the Death Receptor-5, no Fas agonists have made it into clinical trials.

Yeah, I think the argument is that you shouldn't need the cars to get people where they need to go. This can be addressed two ways: either we don't use cars or we don't need to go (as far).

People should be able to travel with other modes that require less salt to deice, and cities could be built to not require cars for most trips. Salting sidewalks and bus lanes is better than salting those things plus roads and highways.

It's also worth considering that yes, people should be able to just stay home. People shouldn't be at risk of losing their job/home because they couldn't safely make it into work. Parents shouldn't have to rely on school as daycare.

I'd be curious to see if urban heat Island affects salt use. Maybe if we build dense enough, we don't even really need salt to cover 99% of the population.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I wish the US had better passenger rail infrastructure so people traveling long distance didn't need to road trip.

I'm lucky to be in a position where I can ride a train to the two closest cities so I'm picking up an EV. Anything longer distance and I'll either fly or rent an ICE.

[–] 81 points 10 months ago (9 children)

Corporations are not people, therefore do not have a right to free speech.

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