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[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 month ago

support a “right to work” instead of UBI. Work is great and it’s more than making money, you achieve self-determination through work etc etc.

this is common in most of western/northern europe, to the point that most social services for citizens or 'integration' support for immigrants ends at employment. the assumption being that any employment is all anyone really needs.

you've been fired from your last three jobs because of your worsening depressive spirals? but it didn't stop you from getting that temp job last week! do some yoga or something smh.

you're a migrant who doesn't know the local language? well, it didn't stop you from getting a job! take a night class or something smh.

you want to switch careers or further your education? but you're already in a career; clearly your education is fine! attend a conference or something smh.

you have no friends or family and no freetime to develop your hobbies and interests? but you have a job! get drunk with your coworkers on Fridays or something smh.

workwork. okiedokie. zugzug.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 month ago

i believe they're @ing you because they're posting from Mastadon.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

not the GP, but i did voice frustrations that were probably uncalled for.

i resonated with the image after this specific comment:

[…] assuming that all people are not going to be petty and antagonistic is even more utopian that post-scarcity.

this brought to mind thousands of conversations i've had before which would have effectively ended there — with the words 'utopian', 'idealist' or 'unrealistic'.

OP got some good answers which they seem satisfied with. this was all a reaction to the state of the discussion at the time.

I get that anarchists probably get tired of answering questions, but it also seems like an important part of getting people who aren’t already 100% onboard to better understand anarchy?

i think this works best thru sharing anarchistic (not specifically anarchist) books (to add perspective), and praxis (to experience/internalise anarchist organising principles).

hypotheticals can be amusing among likeminds, but it's usually just deconstructive otherwise.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 1 month ago

my two favourite types of questions from nonanarchists:

  • 'how would anarchism handle [insert consequence of capitalist conditioning]'
  • 'how would anarchism work in [insert description of a group of capitalists]'

you can't reject the premise of the question, because their eyes gloss over and they call you an idealist.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 30 points 1 month ago

All the time spent thinking how to solve a problem is also work.

try telling that to every manager i've ever had.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

ˈsɪmpl̩ ɛks

you can hear this pronunciation in this talk from Evgeny Poberezkin, the author of the whitepaper.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 2 months ago

growing up, the most common 'counterargument' (read: dismission) to 'global warming' i heard was 'great, i love summer!'

i had to become a singer before i had the lung capacity to sigh hard enough.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Did you look for a nest or another bird in the original shrub?

i didn't see anything in the bush at first glance. i tried to see if it was leading me somewhere, but it didn't seem like it. i didn't want to stress them out by approaching them too quickly or digging thru the bush.

they did seem very small, so it's possible they don't know how to feed themself. it's not too far, so i can try checking on them sometime soon. i don't want to invade their home, tho.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 13 points 2 months ago (1 children)

my guess is it was trying to get you to help one of its friends or something.

that was my first guess, but it didn't seem like it was leading me anywhere.

i'm a little worried now.

I’d have had a good search around the area befriending crows can actually bring you some benifit like shiny gifts

when i was homeless, i shared my food with a crow. i got them to bring me coins by feeding them double portions when they brought monies.

or in some cases crow bodyguards as they actually recognise individuals as friends etc.

that's my current relationship to the corvids in town. a long time ago i rescued a magpie from two seagulls, and since then all the corvids no longer fly away when i come near them. the magpies even defended me from a seagull one day!

but they otherwise don't approach me, and we don't 'communicate'.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 2 months ago

that was my first guess, but after i tried getting back on the path they only kept putting grass on my feet. i tried holding still, backing away, moving toward them, moving back into the grass, making noises, and checked in the bush — it just kept putting grass on me. i didn't immediately see anything. i was afraid of scaring or upsetting them, so i left.

someone else suggested they're a juvenile that doesn't know how to feed themself.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

i was walking along some bushes when a bird flew out from a bush in front of my path into a grass clearing. it was a very small crow. it made two quiet, short, high-pitched peeps in rapid succession, hopping in circles. i tried to walk around it, but it kept blocking my path and making the exact same peeps at me.

i got back on the stone path, and it hopped up right next to me, and starting ripping up grass and throwing it over my feet. i chuckled, and it stopped, looked up at me, and… peeped again, before continuing to bury my feet in grass.

i continued walking and it followed right next to me till the end of the path before watching me walk away and then returning to its bush.

i didn't recognise this bird, or seen a bird do this to me or anyone else before. i'm on especially friendly terms with the corvids in my neighbourhood, but they don't normally approach me.

any ideas? have you seen something similar?

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 2 months ago

la oficiala lingvo de la Eŭropa Parlamento estas 'neresponda'


Today EU governments will not adopt their position on the EU regulation on “combating child sexual abuse”, the so-called chat control regulation, as planned, which would have heralded the end of private messages and secure encryption. The Belgian Council presidency postponed the vote at short notice.

[–] onoira@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 3 months ago (4 children)

It was a revelation to me: to have flat structures, you not only need to make it possible to organize without hierarchy, but you also need a process to constantly weed out emerging hierarchies.

i've noticed this is a common source of disagreement i keep having with nonanarchists.

where someone thinks that i'm advocating purely for the organisational aspects of anarchism, but not also materially, socially, culturally, and politically. they'll dismiss my criticisms of the current system or proposals for alternatives as 'that would never work today', and instead cite monolithic, mythological essentialisms like 'human nature' at me which is just their opportunity to mansplain capitalist logic to me and throw down some 'might makes right' moral argument. people who think tool libraries would never work because one time their underpaid coworkers kept stealing other persons' food from the breakroom fridge or something and well that's proof of the greed inherent to all human beings and no we will not interrogate what leads them to stealing food. material conditions? what's that?

anarchism to me isn't simply a worldview or a form of organisation: it's a lifestance, a lifestyle, a way of being, a way of thinking and a way of acting — and i believe it works best when it is all of those things. social change is cultural change is political change. when i advocate for change, i'm advocating to change both the system and the people who recreate it.

'but how will you prevent [insert consequence of hierarchical conditioning] from happening under anarchism?'

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