they could
If Russia so wished, they could level Kyiv overnight, they have more than enough weapons to do it.
i don't think you realize how big cities are. that's a lot of bombs.
and why would they destroy the thing that they are trying to win? how would that make sense
bombing civilian targets yields bigger optics and fatigues the population
i don't know that the split in strategy between the two belligerents is as plain as you're implicating though
congratulations i don't think a European stock has ever done this
I've been trying to figure out many of the conservative viewpoints for a long time. some of them I can steel man a little bit, but this one really confuses me a lot. it's just too stupid
American Business is modelled on importing and outsourcing. I don't understand how this protects business interests
why do you need self-sufficiency when you are the defense and economic leader of the global hegemony?
i think it's possible that they want to devalue the dollar. but this all defeats everything that distinguished life in the usa from other countries
the low prices and high standard of living are due to the manufacturing being outsourced. i don't understand what the end goal of boosting production capabilities is
no that's fucking stupid
for what purpose? prices have been lower and standard of living higher than anywhere else in the world because of the trade imbalances. unemployment is low unless you're in tech. i don't understand what is meant to be achieved by any of this
dude why