
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

The philosopher of choice for mediocre self-entitled pricks with delusions of grandeur everywhere.

[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

Ooh... capsaicin-powered hot take!

[–] 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Hey man, I can see your house from rule

[–] 101 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Never ask her anything at all. I mean... who cares? Why do people constantly try to squeeze infotainment from the emotionally ill? It ain't healthy, all around. For anyone.

[–] 14 points 3 days ago

Coconut Earhart Pizza Crab

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Then all-depression humor all the time isn't humor anymore, you know? It's just... depression.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago

Go home, evolution, you're drunk... or tripping balls on a heroic dose, sounds more like it.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Alright alright there, Nietzche.

[–] 16 points 1 week ago

When I was a kid, our family's portable stereo had a bunch of weird radio bands on it, by which I mean anything other than AM and FM, the edges of some shortwave bands picked up the radio chatter of local fishermen here and there.

One time a friend and I stumbled into one of these conversations, the engine of some boat had stalled, my friend plugged in the headphones into the microphone jack and started to talk with the guy on the other end.
Of course he wasn't, but his improv and timing was impeccable, it really did seem like the setup was working as a transmitter also.

Decades later, I still clearly remember the way my friend mimicked an adult and technical conversation to a tee, promising to the stranded fishermen that backup was on the way... into the right earcup of a set of headphones.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

The legacy is irreparably tainted. He abused a position of influence to push a personal vendetta and in the process, helped the kremlin inject a political cancer into western society.

Assange turned out to be just as much a megalomaniacal, petty little tyrant as those he pointed a sanctimonious finger at, to the cheers of those who saw him as a "friend", when he was only just "the enemy of my enemy".

[–] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Is Brexit an ignorant, lazy, myopic tantrum you can undo?

Especially when you keep on giving the goddamned Tories the keys to the castle in every election that matters.

nAh I'm NoT vOtiNg MaTe PoLiTiCs Is FoR wAnKeRs sHaLL wE gO fOr dRiNkS iNsTeAd?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Back when Australia was still remote and exotic, before Crocodile Dundee even, a lot of people back in the day thought he sang:
"He just smiled and gave me a bit of my sandwich",
which would have also made for a fantastic lyric in a very silly way.


For example, places like HistoryPorn have some bizarre pictures of weird inventions or WWII experimental weapons.

How come I'm only just now coming across them? Why didn't we see them five or ten years ago, even in specialized forums and subreddits?

Places like ArtPorn or TraditionalArt are a trickier proposition. Here my lack of knowledge is vast, but I've really loved the history of painting for over two decades now, and have recently kept coming across a lot of 18th-to-20th century paintings and painters I've never heard of before; some of these are excellent, I should have known about them... I think. But like I say, there's more that I don't know than what I do.
If they are real and not recent AI creations, where are the original and who is digitizing and/or publishing so many of them all of a sudden in the past year?

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