
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

shoutout to the ~4 people who use Godot in Antarctica

[–] 13 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (1 children)

Me, an Eldrich abomimation of unthinkable age:
Y̴̖̏'̷͔̂ ̶̬͐Y̷͆ͅ'̴̙̈́ ̶͚͐a̸̛̹h̶̢̎ ̷̟̀ǎ̷̳h̴̺̉ ̴̨̀n̸̖̚ǎ̴͈f̷̼̌l̵̿͜ ̷̯͒Y̴̬͝'̷̥̐ ̵͈̅ê̷̖p̵̨̾h̷͎́a̵̘͠i̴͓͛a̶͕͋h̷̨͛ ̸̇͜Ÿ̷̠'̷͈̃ ̶̖̈e̷̳̊p̴̹͐h̸̠̅a̸̳̚ị̶̃n̸̹͋ȧ̸̞f̸͉̄ĺ̷̗ ̸̻̅Y̷͚͒'̸̪͆ ̴̬̄a̶͚͆h̸̨͑ ̷̣̄p̴̟̃h̸͖̾'̵͓̑ņ̷̄g̴̺̏ĺ̵͔u̴͔̅ï̶͕ ̸̮͗ă̷̠h̵̦̓ ̴̓͜Y̶͍̓'̷̨̾ ̶͇̈p̴̪̈́ḩ̴̎'̸̼̇n̴͍̾g̷͍͋l̶͓̏ṳ̴̄í̴͕ ̴̠͝a̶̤̓h̴̤̒ ̸̤́e̴͚̊r̴̠̃ę̷͗y̸̥͠

♫ makin my way downtown ♫

on my end pictures are just a custom link with an exclamation point added to the start, so ![image description here](image url here)

[–] 17 points 2 days ago (1 children)

the lion is a symbol of pride

[–] 14 points 2 days ago

it's official in my heart

Pr(ule)ide flag (
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/
[–] 7 points 4 days ago

why's your head so small

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

me wearing my new Nike™ Combustibles™®©

[–] 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

he needs to make money off of it so he can fund future research! don't question why our global economic model relies on made up numbers being met before actual life saving work is done! or why the numbers need to be in the hands of a dozen guys in the first place

[–] 37 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

this is what the company behind this says it's useful for:

Wildfire Control and PreventionAgricultural ManagementEcological ConservationSnow and Ice RemovalEntertainment and SFX

first two sound pretty reasonable to me, as someone with a very basic understanding of wildfire control.
snow and ice removal, i mean it's definitely gonna do that but i can't think of any place where it would be necessary to use a robot dog for it.
the last one's self explanatory.

i'd love to be optimistic and say that this robot will only get used for harmless or good deeds but i know this thing is already being retrofitted by cops to shoot tear gas or some bullshit


looking around online it seems possible but apparently not a good experience? i think the posts were a bit old so maybe something has changed since then

Edit: i don't want to hop distro, i just want to change the desktop manager.


cross-posted from:

the fastest transition in the west

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

image transcript:

screenshot of a twitter post:
TomboysForBiden(but Anime)🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 posts:
Would you press it?

will you push the button?

99% chance of getting 1 million dollars
1% chance of becoming a girl

Olufémi O. Taiwo quote retweets the post: philosophy twitter: can we agree that this is not a math question

tumblr post, replying to the screenshot:
as a completely cis dude, | would press this button immediately, without question. There are a lot of things | would do for money, but shit I'd do this for like 20 bucks... maybe less?

She said with all too much confidence

A DAY!??!?!


i tried out plasma on opensuse (in a vm) and liked how they handle panels, i especially liked how i could set the bar to be only as wide as the content inside it.
does anyone know if this is possible in mint?


for your own sanity, use the damn block button.
don't engage trolls or provocateurs, block them and move on.
if you're on here you probably don't like algorithmic feeds, guess what not having one means? The block button actually fucking does something! so use it to moderate your experience.


tried my best to make it readable but image editing on a phone is hell

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