
joined 1 year ago

There's also a non zero amount of people that don't like being home. Whether it's the spouse or the kids they're avoiding, WFH makes it harder to avoid whatever is going on at home.

Just my gut feeling, but I'm gonna guess lots of c suite rich dudes would rather have a reason to be away from their wives and kids than being at home working. And there's no cute coworkers to creep on either if everyone is home!

I've had regular co-workers not leave the office early when everyone else was because they didn't want to "have to watch the kid(s) alone".

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

How is this upvoted? Didn't the US go in there, destabilize everything, then just pull out, leaving a power void for the Taliban to waltz in and seize?

Value in tradition? What traditions are these people valuing?

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There's so many idiots that are in unions and bitch about them, but for some reason refuse to leave the union.

People are really really dumb

Holy shit I had all those books! Just gave them to my niece

Feebas all day long

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hell yes, young men need this. Else they wouldn't fall for Tate and similar grifters.

I'll bet you guys made a big impact on the kid. You at least got him closer to a happier healthier life than he otherwise would have been.

I fucking hope so? Tf else do these exist

Ha the shared kitchen responsibilities is such a good call.

Damn we were putting up with so much bullshit in the office

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

As long as you're not trying to force others into the office to entertain you, enjoy the other in-the-office folk :)

Your inability to focus at home and need for forced socialization should not be imposed on anyone else

If I had time enough to ponder my injuries after being stabbed, the thought "at least I wasn't shot" would absolutely cross my mind. But maybe that's just an American thing

At least he had access to a weapon that could kill someone in an instance.

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