
joined 1 year ago
[–] 27 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The joy on her face is just priceless

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

opens htop threateningly

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

The only reason coders’ computers work better than non-coders’ computers is coders know computers are schizophrenic little children with auto-immune diseases and we don’t beat them when they’re bad.

Well... said?

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

Not op, but Voyager is second to none imo

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Honestly, agree. People need to pick. Do you want human rights violating prisons filled to the brim with people and violence? Or do you just want that for the cops? How many innocent and non violent people are being subjected to the same or similar treatment?

In my opinion, the quality of a society can be observed on how they treat their prisoners. If you're okay with torturing people who have gone through the judicial system, then you're just as much a barbarian as any other.

How can you make the world a better place if you are adding suffering? To be fair, I have similar sentiments toward animals especially anything factory farmed. I can't even tacitly accept any worldview that is okay with the suffering of anyone or anything, let alone one that cheers it on.

Fuck these fucking pigs, but I hope they live lives free of torture, save that imposed by their own consciences (hopefully).

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

Honestly, I thought the same! I primarily use DDG, but when that doesn't cut it, I go use my Kagi free trial of 100 searches. It's lasted me months at this point, which is a testament to DDG and Kagi tbh. DDG for getting me there 99% of the time, and Kagi for delivering on the rest, with the bonus of being customizable and privacy focused. When the trial runs out, I will likely purchase the lowest tier so I can mix it in more bc the result quality is truly higher and it actually LISTENS to my quotes and + & - terms. You may not do as many searches as you think, and for throwaway searches, DDG is probs good enough.

Im a dev & my entire job is googling shit basically, so it's worth it for me to get quality results without dealing with the bullshit AI SEO wasteland

[–] 15 points 4 months ago (1 children)

He was paid $341,346 in cash. The rest of the compensation is basically monopoly money until they IPO, and even then it depends on the valuation, strike price, etc. Very much a clickbait tactic since most people don't ever deal with options at a scale like this, or at all.


[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Thanks for the insight! I've seen so many gql queries in the UI and remix is blowing up so I figured it was at least similar.

Edit: Shopify engineering publishes some neat articles, particularly on scaling rails + other systems. E.g

[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Yeah but Shopify also runs on GraphQL and Remix which are way more modern. ~~This is like saying Twitter is RoR~~

edit: no it's not

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

I believe all of that, and I believe that it must stop.

It's really easy to evoke dead children in war zone and get justifiably morally outraged. I personally don't know which atrocity outweighs another. There are so many millions of people affected by who is elected, and in such complex and minute ways. what about the suffering Houthi children? Syrian? Afghans? what about the suffering of women in America without access to abortion or healthcare? What about the poor without access to healthcare at all? are their slow deaths just less important because they r less acute?

what happens if the United States shows willingness to impose its (correct and moral) will on its long-standing allies? what effect does that have on foreign policy and other nations that we support? Can Joe Biden switch off the child-genocide button, or is it a lot more complex than that? Can a leader existing in the real world always make a 100% absolute moral choice? do I trust Donald Trump or Joe Biden more with that choice?

I can appreciate your fervor on this issue but I would ask that you consider refraining calling people genocide-supporters or racists because they have a nuanced view that's different than your own.

I could never support Israel and their genocide, but I also can't support Trump. in my estimation a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump because of the utterly broken backwards system we use.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I disagree only because of the system in which you are voting. What you were saying is only true if you would not otherwise or could not otherwise have voted for Joe Biden, who probably aligns with most of your other policy positions.

I wish that I could vote for Cornel West, but the actual choice you are faced with is Joe Biden or Trump. to vote for anyone else is to, at best, abstain from the election. so maybe West is the absolute moral choice, but which choice begets less suffering in the real world?

Appreciate your perspective on this

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (8 children)

That's true, but who does he lose in the process? Who wins when he loses? Is it better to have incremental change than it is to vote for a fascist backslider? I understand the moral dilemma, but you implicitly enter into another by voting third-party. if you "help" Trump win, don't you think he'll also continue the genocide? Who is more likely to pressure an end to the violence?

yeah, we're kind of left with shit choices but one's a polished turd and the other one is a festering diseased pile liable to spread.

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